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Behind the shadows, beneath the hollows,

I thrive through thickets and forlorn meadows;

Deep with the worms and above with the crows,

Such is my dwelling where no one dare goes.

Once I was like you in a land I own,

Life's a bliss I enjoyed every season;

I walk in pastures and race with the fawn,

A wanton living I savor till dawn.

But all things that lie above always fall,

Like kingdoms when they reached the zenith wall;

Crushed down from grandeur to dusty ruble,

To mem'ries and tales forgotten by all.

It's oblivion once the splendor is gone,

The wind and the hills, the earth and ocean;

Turn the tides against the doomed race of man,

When justice is paid vengeance spares no one.

'Twas my err, my flaw and imperfection,

That brought rue to the door of this nation;

I gamble the grace and lost compassion,

In its wake I live in dire affliction.

Who am I you dare ask your feebly soul,

I am you lurking deep beneath the hole;

I'm rue, you're me; don't you know me at all?

Together we live when you cease we're whole!

RueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora