Paralysis (Underground Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"It's alright. I've got you," he said soothingly, lifting you into his arms. "I'm taking you home."

"Oi, filth!" He called to the men, who were still groaning in pain on the ground. "I'm leaving you alive as a courtesy to your boss. Tell him to consider us even."

As he carried you out of the alley, he said, "(F/n), I need to know what they gave you, so blink once for 'yes' and twice for 'no'. Was it gloriella?"


"Okay. I know it's scary, but it'll wear off in a few hours," he murmured. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"


Levi sighed in relief. "Good. Just try to relax, (f/n). We'll be home soon."

As Levi walked, the numbness slowly faded from your limbs, until you could feel his strong arms holding you against his chest. However, beyond blinking and breathing, you still couldn't move a muscle. You were trapped inside your own body.


Levi set you on your bed with a gentleness near reverence.

Now that you were safely inside your home, away from anyone who might see or overhear, Levi's calm mask morphed into one of concern and regret. "I..." He stopped, his gaze falling to the ground, as if he didn't know what to say. After a brief silence, he mumbled, "I'll get something to clean those cuts."

You could only stare back at him in response.

Levi went to the washroom for a wet cloth and some bandages. Even though you knew he was only a few feet away, you were still terrified of being left alone in your current state. Rather than let panic take over, you tried to focus on the sound of running water, and of Levi rummaging through the cabinets. At last, you heard his footsteps returning to you.

Levi sat next to you and delicately rolled up your sleeve. He cleaned both the wound on your arm and the one on your face. He talked you through his actions, even though it was just simple first aid. However, you got the sense that he was doing it more for your sanity, so that you could focus on something other than the fact that you couldn't move your entire body. You were grateful.

Once he was finished, Levi set the cloth aside and fixed your sleeve. He stared at you for a long time, a mix of emotions in his icy-blue eyes. Then he reached out and gently brushed his fingers across your cheek, right under the thin red line from your attacker's knife.

"I'm so sorry, (f/n)," he whispered hoarsely. "I swear, I didn't know that shipment belonged to Farran. As soon as I found out, I tried to get to you, but it was too late." He bowed his head in shame. "I should have known. You got hurt because I was careless. I'm so sorry."

Levi's hands curled into fists as he begged you to understand. "I never wanted you to get involved with that monster. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please, believe me. I –" He cut off abruptly when he noticed you blinking intently at him, over and over.




"(F/n)..." he breathed. Shock, remorse, and relief mingled together in that one word.

I believe you.

I forgive you.

I love you.

His brows drew together as he held your gaze for a long moment. At last, he sighed. "I really don't deserve you," he murmured, lightly placing his hand over yours.

You met his stare, willing him to understand that it wasn't true. He did deserve to be believed. He had earned your trust. Despite what this world had forced him to do, deep down, he was a good man. And you knew that he cared about you, very much.

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