Chapter 3: Limits and Strengths

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Nobody POV

(Hey, if anyone knows who that cute guy in the picture above it, dedication in the next chapter! It's bugging me!)

Also, DamianWayneXme, you'll probably see the reference of names in here, so yeah. I've learned to trust your observation skills when it comes to that. See if you can find it. ;)

"So, does anyone else think that Universe-dude is a little off?" Aries voiced the next day. The zodiacs had arrived back at the dorm to find out that it was already late at night and that they were all drained. Taurus cooked up some quick dinner, they ate, and went to bed. 

Now they were getting ready to head to the main campus, getting their shoes on and everything.

"I think we all think that's true," Capricorn replied for all of them. 

"I mean, he's nice and all," Cancer said. 

"But I mean... wow. Serious excitement vibes were literally radiating off of him," Taurus filled in. He was fiddling with his crutch, which he was unfortunately going to have to use because he'd woken up to sore calves and knees. 

"My personal opinion is that he just wants the best from us," Mini chirped. For today, she had apparently won the fight and was the one present. Gem, just like they'd said, had disappeared. 

"Yes, I agree," Pisces said, nodding. "But while we're at it GREAT FISH FRY, BY THE WAY!" 

Taurus chuckled nervously. "It's nothing, really. If anything, it was a bit too salty." 

Aquarius nudged him with a teasing smile. "You set the cooking standard far too high, my friend." 

"I hope that we can find whoever's undercover easily," Libra mused. "But for some reason, I feel like Universe isn't going to make it easy." 

"Well, it's the universe, right?" Saggitarius offered. 

Virgo nodded, staring at the bright blue sky dreamily. "Mm-hm." 

"Okay people, are you ready to ROCK AND ROLL?!" Leo shouted as he banged the door open. "Let's go and amaze some people, yo!" 

The rest of the zodiacs sighed in unison as they made their way to the school. They were all wearing the school uniform. The boys wore a gray blazer with matching darker gray ties, and darker gray pants as well plus black shoes. The girls wore the same kind of top but with a gray skirt and tall white/gray socks and black shoes. 

"Okay, I don't know about you," Pisces whimpered when they entered the building and everybody's gaze anchored onto them, "But I really regret living under the same roof with a bunch of popular, cute boys." 

"Don't worry," Scorpio grumbled back, "It's just Leo." Sure enough, Leo was doing his usual 'I'm totally the king of the mountain!' act and was soaking it up. 

Taurus and Aquarius, on the other hand, were getting more and more uncomfortable. Taurus's crutch attracted enough stares as it was, but Aquarius's good looks only worsened the effect. Eventually, when they were approached by another squealing girl, Aquarius snapped, "Oh for heaven's sakes go and bother our shiny friend over there, he'd be much more of a better customer." 

"Sorry," Taurus whispered as the girl frowned and went off to fawn over Leo. "Maybe I shouldn't have used my crutch today-" 

Aquarius gave him a light slap on the arm. "What, and risk you collapsing in the middle of school? Not on my watch. Also because you'd probably force me to carry you back home, bridal style." 

For the zodiacs: a high school storyWhere stories live. Discover now