How is this possible

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♡♡♡♡ I know i havent been updating as frequently as I should. I have been on the go and haven't had much time. I want to say thank you to my loyal readers and my new readers for sticking with me through the process. I promise to do better but please enjoy this short little update let me know what you think and ill begin to write the next chapter thanks...



The king wants to know how it is possible to be who I am. What am I to say? That I was born this way. The sounds of my mates laughing. brought me back to reality. Little did I know, I never left from the way the king is staring at me. “My apologies my king” I said bowing my head taking a step back into my mates as I continued. “I don t have too much information to be honest, maybe my parents know more than I do.” The king look to my parents waiting for one of them to fill the rest of us in. My father was the first one to speak. Based on the way that my mother is looking I can tell that this is a very touchy subject to her.

“We were having issues with getting pregnant, no matter how hard we worked at it. We went to various doctors but they all said the same thing. We weren’t able to conceive. We were devastated but that never stopped us from praying to the high heavens, speaking to the Moon Goddess on a daily bases.” My father looked at me when he replayed the next part. “Honey, one morning your mother woke from her sleep and stated that we would be blessed with a child. To be honest I had my doubts when she told me not really knowing What more to say but later that evening I heard you mother screaming from the kitchen. I was so worried as I made my way to her. I was so worried. As I reached your mother she was laid on the floor with the goddess hovering over laying hands on her stomach. Your mother stomach was glowing for like 5 minutes then nothing, I scooped your mother up and took her upstairs to rest she needed it. That night I was visited by the goddess where she explained to me the process. It would be a very short pregnancy but it would also take a lot out of my Wife being that she would be giving birth to our future leader. I was also told never speak of this to anyone one. There would be people in this world that would seek our daughter and their intentions would not be the best and they would be after her for all the wrong reasons. 2 months later Trinity was born without any suspicions or incidents and she was ours to love.” My father finished

Mystery POV

            I just missing the whole meeting what am I to report now. I know it’s wrong of me to do the things that I am doing but I have no other choice. She has everything and I have nothing. All I ever wanted was to be loved and what do I end up with parents that hate me. I stood outside the door trying to catch a few things but I came up with nothing. I need more information I’ll try to get trinity alone and try to weasel information out of her but for now I need to go see Quintin and let him know that that something big is going on and also that she woke up. I think I’ll keep the fact that she thinks she is the daughter of the moon goddess to myself unless he already knows.


            After listening to my mates father I know I had to protect her, she is special and I can’t have her taken away from me and KC every. She needs to be protected. She can’t stay here anymore it’s not safe and it doesn’t help the psycho knows where to find her anytime he wants her. I linked KC “we have to protect our mate she must come home with us.  I hate to make her leave but I won’t allow her to be unprotected or to be without her she is our everything.” she linked me back “I know what you mean I can’t imagine our life without her in it and to take a chance on losing her I can’t, we can’t do that.” KC was the one to voice our fears to everyone in the meeting and to let it be known that Trinity would not be staying here. “I sorry to do this but it needs to be said and since all important parties are here at this moment I’m going to just say it. Trinity will not be staying here, she will be going back with us where we can protect her end of discussion.” KC stated. Growling was heard from her parents and then ours as well from them growling at KC. Our mate looked like she was in complete shock but I on the other hand let out a big heart felt laugh. There was a better way for this conversation to be handled but leave it to KC to not ask but demand that the just let us take their only child no questions asked and they say I’m the hotheaded one. I stepped in to clear up what KC was trying to say....”What my lovely mate is trying to say is that Trinity is the most important person in the world to us and we don’t know what we would do if anything was to happen to her. We can’t live our lives without her therefore we would feel better if she came to stay with us. We can better protect her. Your whole pack is welcome to come we just need her closer for a piece of mind. You all know how this mate’s thing works there’s no way we can be separated like this and it be okay.”


            This shit is so fucking crazy. How can they keep her away from me like this and to even stoop as low as to brainwash her against me. They will all have to pay dearly for this. There is no going back I would have been able to forgive them if they would have just apologized and returned me my mate but no they are going to make me fight for but I know she loves me so it makes it all worth. I waiting to meet with my contact so I can find out what is going on with my mate how she doing. I just need to be close to her it sucks not being closer to her when I know she needs me.


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