After the party

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Last night was overwhelming. I found my mate,I mean mates. That's right I have more than one as in two. It was so crazy to find out that I have two mates and one happens to be the most beautiful girl in the whole world. When I first laid eyes on her I felt like I died and went to heaven. The thing that scared me the most was that I wanted her more than I have ever wanted anyone not including her brother. I have never been interested in women but I can't see my life without her in it she is apart of me. I can feel it I love her already. The only thing flowing through my mind is her and him yet I still don't know who they are. I never got the chance to introduce myself because last night when my father sent over some the stupid soon to be alpha named Quintin from BlueMoon pack. I hate that guy and my father knows it I can't believe my father would try to pair me with him god I'm so happy I found my mate I mean mates. speaking of mates oh my moon goddess they are so sex I can't stop thinking about all the things that are going to do to my body. It never crossed my virgin mind being with more than one person at a time let alone a man and a woman. I still can't get over the face that I have two mates and they are brother and sister. OMG what if they fight over me? What if I have to choose. I can't choose I love them both. After the fight broke out last night. Yes, a fight broke out you see after the Quintin grabbed me my wolf was ready to attack him but I never got got the chance because I heard my mates growl and it was like I was putty in Quinton's hands. Meaning the sounds of them growling had me so turned on that I got weak in the knees but Quintin caught me. It didn't register to me that I was still in his arms Ames and her was sniffing my arousal until I was snatched away by one of my mates. I was in her arms and her brother was in front of me ready to attack and I wasn't even aware that there was danger I was so lost in her arms and her kissing my neck. She felt like home. As she held me I still felt like a piece of me was missing. She kissed my neck one last time before she place me in a chair and told me not to move I was so lost in her that I never realized that a fight had broke out. When she left I felt so cold and empty. The void got bigger and the loneliness got so big that it was like a slap in the face and I realizes that I needed to get out of there before I started anymore trouble. which brings me to now. Me sitting in my bed thinking of my mates. I was suppose to be staying at Kayla's but I wasn't ready to talk about this. I haven't told my parents yet. I can only imagine what they are going to say..


My name is Quintin I'm 24 years old and I am the soon to be Alpha of BlueMoon Pack. I am also in love with Trinity she was the daughter of Alpha Mike in the next pack over My father informed me that after I expressed my love her that we were to be mated. I alot of people wonder how it is possible that I could love another when I have a mate out there somewhere waiting for me but the truth is that I don't. Well I don't anymore because she was killed I don't know how all I know is that she is dead and a piece of me died with her. Sense we never met and started the mating process I was able to move on unlike other wolves that go crazy after losing there mate. You see trinity is smart strong and independent. She is so beautiful. She will make the perfect Luna even if doesn't like me. After we mate she will love me. I just can't wait to have her. Since hasn't found her mat she has been promised to me and I'm not complaining, now I don't have to start a war to get her. I love her and my wolf loves her she was made for us. I can't wait to have her. To have my dick baried so deep in her til she is screaming my name and begging for release. To have her riding my tongue until she shatters into a million pieces. Just thinking about it had my dick rock hard and I knew just where I wanted to put it. In the woman that is going to bare my pups. My wolf is begging me to go to her and mate her now and who am I to argure with him the wolf what's what the wolf wants.

I called Alpha Mike and he told me where to find her. She was at a party. My mate was at a party with a bunch of horny teenagers. The thought had my wolf so angry to the to the point of shift. I swiftly ran to my car and made my way to the party. When I opened the door i was hit by her scent. Not paying much attention to what's going on around me I made my way to Trinity and wrapped my arms around her waist and whisper in her ear.

Me: your father told me where I could find you.

I felt her body tense but I paid it no man mind. I heard growling in the background but I was so rapped up and Trinity and the scent of her arousal that came next. She was was happy being in my arms but that her knee's gave out but i caught her befor she could fall. I held her tighter sniffing her next taking in the scent of my mate. I knew she would be happy to see me but it was ended to quickly when she was snatched from my arms. When I looked up she was in the arms of some girl behind some man. My wolf was not liking this one and neither did I. My wolf was even more angry with the way the girl was holding our mate and and how comfortable she looked in her arms.

MINES!!! My wolf said while trying to get out. I had pushed him back telling him we would have her in our arms shortly but that was short lived when I was hit by the guy.

***shoutout to the ppl that asked me to continue this story this is for you..please keep in mind this is my first time writing comment you know let me know what you think

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