The soldiers cheer.

“See? It is Superman. I told you he wouldn't leave us out here alone.” one soldier says as he elbows his buddy.

“I don't know. He looks kind of young.” the other remarks. “Where's the cape?”

Conner turns quickly. “I'm not Superman.” he says strongly.

“I don't know who you are, son.” the general steps up. “And right now, I don't care. You wear the S, and you got the job done.”

He looks down. “I'm not Superman.”

“Tell that to the enemy.” he turns to Aqualad and salutes. “General Wade Eiling, U.S. Air Force.”

“Aqualad, Justice League. We'll help you salvage as many of the aliens' cannons as possible. Then we start taking back what is ours.”

The Army forces wait outside the Hall of Justice. Inside Conner looks up amongst the rubble at the mostly intact statue of Superman. 

“They're really gone.” Red Arrow mumbles barely turning to Kaldur.

Conner watches as M’gann floats by him and eventually stops before the fallen top of her Uncle’s statue. Sobbing. 

Suddenly her eyes snap open and she backs away from the statue, lifting it. Revealing Martian Manhunter beneath the rubble. “Uncle J'onn!” she cheers, then tosses the top quarter of the statue away.

She goes back towards him but Kaldur gets in her way. “M'gann, check his mind. Make sure he is whom he appears to be.”

“It's him. He's real. And he's alive.” M’gann assures.

“But we saw you get disintegrated.” Conner contradicts and accuses.  “You and Superman. And everyone.”

M’gann helps her uncle to his feet. “Yes, I remember. But… I cannot remember how I survived… or how I arrived here.”

“Maybe you were density-shifting and the beam passed right through you.” M’gann offers.

“Scrambling your brains along the way.”Red Arrow pipes up.

“My mind is clouded. I feel certain I had something important to tell you.” Manhunter admits.

Wally smiles. “Hello, Wally,”   he even hits his head like M’gann does. “come on.”

Talon turns toward him, an eyebrow arched.

The two stand atop a Jeep, while Talon has his HoloGlove turned on as they look at the acquired weapon.

"Since when did you get that?"Kid Flash asked

"A couple of days back,Batman gave it to me"Talon replied looking at the screen.

“I knew it! Look.” he points out one reading on Talon’s Holo. “It's giving off Zanopenes. The same stuff that powers our Zeta- Tubes.” he lifts his goggles as he smiles brightly.

 “This thing doesn't disintegrate, it-it teleports.” he tugs on Talon’s arm. “Artemis is alive!”

Talon felt a sting in his chest was that Jealousy? He hasn't felt these emotions in a while so...what made him so jealous of his teammate that just "died" before his very eyes.

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