He smirked, "What about, you and and my brother?"

Sansa blushed and looked down, "I met him in King's Landing. He was kind to me, kinder than anyone else."

"Honestly, doesn't sound too much like him."

Sansa chuckled, "Yeah, I mean, he was a bit of an.. arse, but he was kind to me. Always. He spoke to me when everyone treated me like the plague. I always thought it were strange, considering he was well... quite an esteemed Knight."

"He said he killed for you."

Sansa's face grew a little grim, "That he did," she said sombrely, "When Joffrey was poisoned, he took me and ran. I think, he knew that I would be the prime suspect. I don't know why he risked his life for me though."

"He took me all the way to the docks and sent me off to Lord Baelish's ship. But, there was a guard there. That recognised me. He tried to pull me away but Edgar stabbed him."

Sansa frowned at her folded hands on the table, "I remember screaming and crying but he pushed my boat away with his... bloodied hands and told me I'd be okay, that I should stop worrying. But, I wasn't crying because I was scared for my own life, I was scared for him, putting it mildly. I didn't see him after again... until now."

Will exhaled from his nose and slowly nodded his head. "Wow." He muttered under his breath, "I- wouldn't have guessed that." He said honestly.

Sansa shrugged the smiled, "I've told you my story. Now maybe you can give me an insight on what happened to my sister when she was away from home."

Will sighed, "She came on a trader's ship to Braavos. I met her whilst she tried to take on three men at once for her sword," he laughed slightly at the memory and Sansa echoed him.

"Sounds like Arya."

"She stayed with me mostly. She... left for a while." Will decided not to mention the House of Black and White to Sansa, reasoning it was probably better for Arya to explain it. "She was even stabbed at some point."

Sansa's eyes widened, "really?"

Will nodded, "Yeah, but I stitched it up Alright. Then we left together. I didn't have much of a life in Braavos, so going with her wasn't a huge sacrifice or anything. Then we met Edgar and walked here together."

He didn't mention anything about Wälder Frey or heading to King's Landing either.

Sansa assessed him for a few seconds before speaking.

"Do you love my sister?"

Will's eyes darted to look at her in the eye, "Yes." There was no doubt in his response. He never felt more sure of anything in his life.

Sansa looked at him curiously and sadly.

The pair ended up walking back outside to meet the other Stark who returned back to the courtyard with yet another Stark in tow.

It was Brandon Stark.

The boy was only a very faint memory in the back of his mind. Long, tousled hair, skinny short limbs, cheeky grin. The boy before him was much different.

 For one, he was in a wheelchair. His hair was short and his face was serious, almost ancient. His eyes seemed to look through a lot of things, including Will who felt mildly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"I'm Will Hart." Said Will to the boy as he was wheeled to him by Arya.

"I know." Came Bran's simple and soft response.

Will wasn't sure how to reply to that.

Arya smiled fondly at Will and stepped forward, gesturing for him to follow her, "Let's go into the woods."

He smiled and followed after her.

The two of them trudged through the snow into the surrounding forests.

The woods were almost ethereal as the snow lightly fell and coated the slim branches.

The trees were bare under the greyish sky, until they reached a clearing in which one, large and magnificent tree stood. It's orange fiery leaves stood out in its dominance.

Will looked up at it in awe.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Asked Arya, grinning at his amazement.

"Yeah it is." He breathed.

They neared it and Will made our the face carved into the trunk. He reached his hand up and his fingers gently grazed the carving.

"They're on all Weirwood trees." She explained at his expression, "It's said the Children of the forest carved the faces into the tree thousands of years ago."

"Yeah?" He whispered, looking at the face.

He turned away from it eventually looked over at Arya who looked at the tree, lost in the nostalgia from her old life probably. He wondered how many memories she had of her parents, her brothers here.

Arya Stark had experienced loss in a way he couldn't quite understand. Sure, he'd lost his parents. But Will wasn't liked Arya. Not as stubborn and sensitive.

Ned Stark. Catelyn Stark. Robb Stark. Rickon Stark. Hell, even the direwolf she had that she'd told him about in Braavos.

God, that was a lifetime ago.  

He suddenly felt a wave of emotion overcome him and he turned to face Arya completely.

"I love you Arya Stark." He blurted out suddenly.

She immediately looked at him, shock overcoming her features as she struggled to digest his words. Her eyes softened.

"You do?" She breathed, here eyes wide, almost disbelieving.

Their faces were inches apart and Will felt inclined to make a move.

He leaned forward and his lips met Arya's softly.

It was new to both of them but so perfect. Under the light snow and fresh, cold air. Sure, his lips were chapped and cold but a pool of warmth built up in his stomach as they stood there.

Arya's heart was beating wildly throughout. Her mind and heart were screaming, almost in relief.

It was sweet, perfect and long overdue.

They finally broke apart, Will's blonde locks wet with the increasingly falling snow.

His forehead was pressed against hers and both their eyes were closed. Some of his light strands ticked the sides of her cheeks but she didn't mind,

"So fucking much."

She laughed gently.

"Yeah, right back at you, Hart."

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