Our Lady of Sorrows: Lady Shura's Lore

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Cover Art by Serafleur (Commissioned)

Cover Art by Serafleur (Commissioned)

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"She will catch the eye of a mighty king and rule a vast, unshakable empire by his side."

That was the prophecy given by the oracle to the Telmundi girl brought to the Temple of Fate for baptism many moons ago. The girl's parents had long since wanted a child that her mere conception was welcomed with much jubilation. But to have the divinities proclaim such fortune on their newborn left the couple awestruck.

News of this prophecy quickly spread throughout Kenaan, a small village in the lush, evergreen lands of Telmundo. Revered as the future queen, the babe grew up exalted and cherished by everyone. She, in turn, reciprocated this affection with as much devotion.

The girl blossomed into a beautiful woman, bearing her mother's brilliant golden eyes that matched the markings of her tribe. To no one's surprise, she caught the eye of the Telmundi King Naveno during a fateful meeting. After a brief courtship, the king asked the girl to live with him in his palace that they may soon be wed.

Believing this to be the prophecy unfolding, the whole tribe blessed their union, eager to enter a utopian age of prosperity.

Alas, fate is unkind and usually misunderstood.

A few moons before the lovers' ceremony, a Shura emissary requested an audience with the Telmundi King. The Shura Clan was the Telmundi Tribe's direct contrast; while the tribe valued life and peace, the clan sought strength and chaos. While the tribe absorbed and amplified life force, which they can form into sentient protectors they call their "Pride", the clan harnessed the dark powers of the underworld to fuel their endless quest for battle. As their celestial ancestors were siblings, they held a truce that has lasted for centuries.

The emissary addressed the Telmundi court on behalf of the Ashura King Martis, who sought vengeance against Gatotkaca for attacking his clan. He needed passage to a series of worlds that leads to Mapura, the land of the gods. The tribe happened to be the protectors of the shortest path.

Being close to the divinities, Naveno dismissed the request 3 times despite the Ashura King's unimaginable offerings of fine articles and exquisite treasures. On the third attempt, the Shura emissary called Naveno a coward out of frustration. Enraged by the clan's afront towards him and the gods, the Telmundi King had the emissary beheaded, his head shaved then sent back to the clan. Though it was not in their nature to be heinous, Naveno reasoned that it's the only language the savage Shura would understand. Besides, the gods' favor will surely protect him and his people from any retaliation.

The insult led to a broken truce as the Ashura Warriors marched into Telmundo. The gods could not protect the tribe for the blood Naveno spilled was that of the innocent by their judgment.

For Naveno's impudence, the Ashura Warriors spared no one from their wrath. The surviving Telmundi fled from their paradise home, now left asunder by the ruthless clan.

Watching his kingdom fall before his very eyes, Naveno ordered his betrothed to escape with her maids. However, the naive young girl could not bear to be away from her king and rushed back to the palace where she arrived mere seconds before Martis executed Naveno.

She flung herself between the two kings and knelt before Martis, pleading for mercy. Amused by her bravery and taken by her voluptuous beauty, Martis asked for her relationship with Naveno. A grin broke through the Ashura King's lips when she told him she was his betrothed.

Naveno gnashed his teeth as Martis drew himself close to the young girl from behind, running his fingers to part her hair then sliding them down her shoulders, caressing her skin. He whispered his terms to her, his cold breathe sending a chill down her spine:

A life for a life.

No Shura would kill Naveno for as long as she lived and served Martis.

To seal their pact, Martis asked for the girl's name. Naveno struggled and frantically ordered her not to give it for their names are sacred; it carried one's faction, identity, and memories.

A tear fell down the young girl's cheeks as she whispered her name to Martis. As a mockery to Naveno, the Ashura King gave her a new title: the Lady of the Shura Clan, or simply Lady Shura.

And to make sure her birth name belonged only to him and would never be spoken again, Martis cut off Naveno's tongue then sent him off to wander aimlessly through his once beautiful kingdom, now burning and bathed in crimson.

Martis took his prize home before venturing to his quest. In time, he returned and found himself enjoying the girl's company for she remained gentle and kind despite her heartbreak and sorrow. He also slept more soundly with her as she quieted his inner demons with sweet lullabies.

The time they spent together allowed Lady Shura to absorb the king's energy and during another attack on their clan, she was able to conjure a powerful Pride that reflected the king's prowess.

This endeared her more to the kIng (as her Pride pandered to his ego) and she earned the respect of the clan, though many remained wary of her for being an outsider.

She stands by the king's side, offering a boost in strength to the Ashura Warriors and a powerful ally in the form of her Pride.

But at night when the whole kingdom sleeps, the lady cries, often not knowing why as her memories begin to fade, her troubled soul left with nothing but an unbearable and unexplainable longing for something lost. Her only comfort is the flowers that seem to bloom more brightly when she is around.

The Ashura King and Our Lady of Sorrows: Martis and Lady ShuraWhere stories live. Discover now