Chapter 6

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Windmill Village is relatively small. No doubt that everyone in the village knows each other.

It took the duo a day to get there, and when they did, it was noon. It wouldn't hurt to grab something to eat before running off to their next location. Nil knew he was going to hate the experience of going there. Such unpleasant memories, especially ones he cannot forget no matter how hard he tried.

"Not gonna lie," Tangle breaks the silence between them, "This place is pretty neat. Pretty small and organized," she smiles.

Nil hums in agreement.

"Ohh! Are you two new here?" wait...that voice.

Nil remembered it all too well.

Tangle smiles and looks at the...human, "Not really, but technically yes! Though, we're just visiting,"

The man chuckles, "Well, a pleasure to make an acquaintance with ya! The people here call me Mr. Tinker!"

"I'm Tangle, and this is Nil!" Tangle chimed.

Mr. Tinker. Nil growled in thought a little. This man looks exactly like the doctor, though maybe he is. Did he lose his memory, or is he just pulling a fake to try and get around so he can rebuild?

Either way, the bastard had wanted to leave him to die. He can't lose his composer though, especially when others are around.

So Nil just looks away.

Mr. Tinker hummed and fixed his goggles, "Your friend doesn't talk much, does he?"

"Well, not normally like this,"

"Did you hear of the war that broke out not too long ago?" Nil blurted out, absentmindedly.

"Huh? The war?" Mr. Tinker hummed in thought as he placed a finger on his chin, "I've heard some of the folks here talk about it, though other than that, I don't know much about it,"

Nil sighs, "Never mind, then,"

Tangle caught onto his tone. He sounded disappointed, though relieved somehow. She decides to ignore it for now, and looks up to Mr. Tinker, "You know any place we could grab something to bite?"

"Why yes! We have a bakery right over there!" he points.

"Ohh! Thanks, Mr. Tinker!"

Tangle and Nil walk over to where Mr. Tinker told them to go. She smiles and looks at him, "What a nice guy. I wonder how he found this place!"

Nil stayed silent. The man sounds and looks exactly like the doctor, so it has to be him. So what is he doing here? It's not like him to just live among other Mobians, so it's most likely safe to say he has amnesia.

With that in mind, Nil calmed down a little but still kept his guard up. There is a possible chance that he's faking it. Once he knows that, he'll be ready.

He's starting to want to leave this place as soon as they can.

"Ohh! Nil, look! They have blueberries! I'm gonna get some!"

Right after they snack on blueberries.

Even enjoying his favorite snack, he's still on edge. Part of him wants to stay in the village to observe Mr. Tinker who looks EXACTLY like the one the blue hedgehog calls "Dr. Eggman." The other half of him is screaming to just leave it and don't question him since it'll risk him remembering who he is and cause him to revert back to the cruel person he is.

Perhaps it's better to just leave him.

Speaking of him, Nil saw him just out in the field, watching the younger Mobians play. He even fixed up their toys if they broke it, and played songs for them. Seeing this, Nil managed to crack a small smile and let out a sigh. Yeah, perhaps it is better to just leave him.

The man has no memory of what he did, so there's practically no reason to do anything to him.

Still, something in his gut tells him to drive his sword into his heart...something tells him he'd bring anarchy and destroy everything. It wouldn't fail, but it also wouldn't succeed.
(A/N: referring to the IDW Comic)

Once they finished their snack, Tangle suggested that they stay here a little bit longer so they can make this a memorable moment.

Nil didn't mind. The rush isn't that serious here, but he still wants to get going.

Soon, Tangle started playing with the other kids while Nil just stayed back and watched. He's not that good with kids, he'll admit that. He decided he'll rest his eyes as he sat down on a nearby bench. Just for a little bit.

That is until his instincts kicked in.

His eyes snapped open and caught something in his hand. It's just a ball.

"Sorry mister!" a kid calls from the field.

"Hey, nice catch Nil!!" Tangle gives him a thumbs up with a smile, "Toss it back here!"

Nil does just that, though maybe that was a little too hard and a little too high.

Tangle looks up at it and her tail becomes a spring, "I got it! I got it!" she springs into the air and catches it, "Thanks Nil!!"

Nil just waved slightly before going back to rest. He's starting to think that he's getting soft. Was that bad, or good?? Maybe as long as he doesn't get too soft, he'll be fine. But how much is "too soft?"

He stopped thinking about it as it only kept him restless. Oh well, everything is bound to answer at some point. If they're lucky to find where the answer is, of course.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling came by. It feels like some sort of powerful being was near, but it held power that was all too familiar to him. Does the ruby's power still linger within him? Or perhaps there is someone who wields it, but that's impossible. All of the prototypes were destroyed.

Was it possible that someone was able to recreate it?

That Mr. Tinker...if he really forget who he once was, then it surely wasn't recreated by him. Files of the prototypes were deleted. The original ruby...well, he's not sure what happened to it. Though it was always in the doctor's possession. It's probably long gone now.

So why? Why is there this feeling?

Nil stood up and looked around, trying to find anything out of the ordinary. But he found nothing. Just people going about their lives.

Suddenly, that feeling was gone. Just like that, within a snap. He doesn't understand.

He'll keep this sudden little event in mind if it ever comes back. The intentions are unclear, but one thing's for sure, it surely isn't good.

[DISCONTINUED + REWRITTEN] The Infinite Stars Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt