Chapter 2

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Nil has started to hang out with Tangle, and occasionally Jewel since she's a little distant and shy. He only meets up with her if Tangle invites him to the museum or they just run into her. Overall, Tangle's been talking about what they could find when they do head off to Barricade Town. Mostly she hoped to make a friend or two there, or maybe they run into trouble and they get to have some fun with fighting any remaining robots after the war or just criminals in general.

He's seen this behavior a few times. He found it as reckless, but knowing someone with the same attitude ended up being so successful made him expect some things from her. He won't admit it, but he's a little excited to see what she can do, especially with that tail of hers.

"So!" Tangle chimes as she munches on a bagel, "Since you've been to Barricade Town, what's it like there?"

"It's been a good while since I've been there. I can't say," Nil says, also munching on a bagel.

"Aw, shame. I guess it still leaves me open for surprises,"

Nil's not sure why he thought it would be a good idea to bring her along. Well, now that he thinks about it, having someone who finds you as a friend can be an advantage. Running into the Freedom Fighters is the last thing he wants, but with her, maybe she can convince them that he's not that bad.

Should he really try to redeem himself, even after everything's he's done? Does he really want to be a good person?

Maybe that's what they would've wanted.

"Hey, so," Tangle starts, "You know this guy named Infinite? Heard he was a real hassle during the war,"

Nil almost choked on his bagel but managed to keep his cool, "I've heard about him,"

"Sure he's pretty bad, but I kinda want to see what he does. He could most likely kill me," she chuckles a little, "but I really want to try and study his tactics,"

"I don't think you'd get the chance to,"

"Huh? Why not?"

"He's probably dead at this point," in truth, he really would've if Amanda didn't help him.

Tangle sighs and looks up, "You think so? Huh, maybe you're right,"

In a way, Infinite IS dead. Perhaps he should keep it like that.

"Anyway, when do you think we'll be heading out?"

"I was thinking hopefully today or tomorrow,"

Tangle hums, "Sounds good! I don't mind waiting a few more hours or one more day!"

Nil sighs a little.

"Oh hey! There's the salon! I can buy us a brush or two?"


"Okay! Wait here," Tangle dashes inside.

A few minutes later, she comes back with two brushes, "One for me, and one for you! Though I might end up buying more for myself since, you know, I literally tear through them," she laughs a little to herself.

"Is that why they call you Tangle? Your tail is always...well, tangled?" Nil asks.

Tangle laughs at the pun, "I guess so! I also get "tangled" in many situations too!" she continues to laugh, "These are so bad..."

Nil just rolled his eyes, "They're not that bad,"

"I've heard worse..."

At this time, they finished their bagels, "Tangle, remind me which way we're heading,"

[DISCONTINUED + REWRITTEN] The Infinite Stars Where stories live. Discover now