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Mistakes. Way too many mistakes were made. If he did not make them, the plan would've succeeded. But no.

He kept that wretched blue hedgehog alive because his struggling amused him.

Now, he pays the price for not doing what he was told. Easily defeated at the final moment of the plan, and was lectured about how friendship, hope, and peace always wins. But to him, that's not how the story goes.

The last time any Freedom Fighter has seen him, he was yelling in pain and viciously clawing at his mask as if he was suffocating in it. The Phantom Ruby had shot him off into the distance, away from the scene. No one has seen or heard from him since then.

Soon enough, the ruby had shattered and turned into dust. This caused the jackal to plummet down and hit the ground, hard. His mask fell off in the process as he tumbled across the street.

He couldn't care any less about where he is at the moment. He wanted to leave the area as soon as possible, but no matter how much he wanted to, his legs gave out the minute he tried to walk and fell on his side.

He winced and crawled off into a nearby alley. He was lucky that no one was out at the moment, but anyone would've heard him crash. Well, if anyone was still awake.

The jackal laid on his side, breathing heavily.

He wouldn't be in this mess if he didn't encounter the doctor. He would still be the infamous Ultimate Mercenary. They would still be alive.

He would give anything to see them again. One last time, and maybe apologize for the choices he made that brought them to their ends. They warned him, and he ignored it.

For the first time in a while, he felt lost and, dare he say it, weak. Well, physically to say the least.

It was getting harder to breathe, let alone move. He did take a pretty hard fall when the ruby shattered, but now what?

He rolled onto his back so he could try to get more air into his system. His chest suddenly hurts and he grips it, only to feel more pain. He flinches and looks at his hand to see a faint red stain on his glove.

He cursed under his breath as he starts to blackout. He really felt like he was dying at this point, but he still tries to stay awake. The blood loss, however, isn't helping as it only made the darkness surrounding him close in.

Before it did just that, he could've sworn he heard someone gasp.

[DISCONTINUED + REWRITTEN] The Infinite Stars Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora