39: Inside The Library

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Breaking free from his reverie, he further looked around and noticed a large mirror the size of a door. Walking to it, he found nothing unusual about it, but the moment he stood still in front of the mirror, it suddenly flashed as if the sun had reflected on it before turning black. Shortly after, white lines formed on it. Randomly at first, they appeared all around its surface. Eventually, though, as the lines became more, clear words started to form until all lines had finally come into view. In relative shock, Bazuul read.

Bazuul Ylvazad

Thirteen years old (Twenty-eight)

His heart rate accelerated as he read the twenty-eight after he saw his age now. Apparently, a mere mortal form bound by the feathers of darkness could not fool this mirror. His shock only further increased as he read the next part...

Soul transmigrated from Earth to Tiamat inside the body of the fourth prince of the kingdom of Ralun

It seemed Bazuul had the right guess when it came to the mirror. Truly an intriguing artifact.

Naturalist; potential to control all elements and thus could invoke the pure essence of nature.

This was nothing new to Bazuul, but it was interesting that it would even record such details nonetheless. Eager to find out more, Bazuul continued...

Bearer of the Primal Heaven Origin Return constitution

"Primal Heaven..what the?" He exclaimed. That was, for example, something Bazuul was not yet aware of.

As the bearer of the Primal Heaven Origin Return constitution, the individual in the vessel of darkness and light. As the vessel of darkness and light, he also wields the forces of darkness and light uncontested. Due to the Primal Heaven Origin Return constitution, the individual has the potential to unlock the power of chaos and creation. Primal Heaven Origin Return Initial Stage. Darkness 60%, Light 5%

"Mmh, interesting." He mumbled to himself. He now understood that this "Primal Heaven Origin Return constitution" was what he had always referred to as the yin and yang plate.

Not only did he now know the actual name of his inner world or constitution, but also the extent of his training on it and the possible potential such a constitution encompassed.

Immediately Bazuul went through the bookshelves in hopes to find out more about this discovery.


Bazuul had dwelled in the library for hours now, and his search for knowledge about the Primal Heaven Origin Return constitution caused him to stumble upon many other things. It created a feeling in him, akin to one back on Earth. Reminiscing to a time when he was scrolling through a wiki page and inadvertently created a plethora of new tabs filled with other topics on that wiki page. Drowning himself in them, consuming knowledge for hours on end.

In the end, though, he hadn't found much about his constitution.

Although through the bits and pieces he found he could slightly grasp the meaning behind the sentence, "As the vessel of darkness and light, he also wields the forces of darkness and light uncontested." It merely meant that his resistance toward incoming forces of darkness and light, be it magic in nature or otherwise, was incredibly high. Still, there were some lines to be drawn. In his case, his constitution was a carrier of darkness and primarily sunlight. Though he had consumed some moonlight before, he could only take a tiny amount and slowly turn it into sunlight. Convert it so to say.

Being a male human, the action of making his body a carrier of moonlight would potentially cripple him for years or even life. The excessive amount of yin energy would completely invert the flow of qi inside his body, which in turn could simultaneously burst all of his meridians. This brings us to our next point, the interplay of those forces. Sunlight and moonlight were pretty much immune to each other, and could to some extent feed off each other. Lending their counterparts strength. Darkness and sunlight, as was the case with Bazuul's constitution, could co-exist with each other in its own boundaries but were inherently weak against each other once confronted, which therefore made them evenly matched forces. Darkness and moonlight, on the other hand, was not something that could co-exist. The mere presence of moonlight energies, basically cleansed the area of darkness.

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