31: Blocked At The Door

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A slight chuckle reverberated through the small courtyard. The assassins, still in full momentum, slightly began doubting reality and thus started to become disoriented.

They looked around but no trace of the youngster was to be found. This was just far too eerie, even for them. Before they could recover a breeze rose and passed them as it carried the whispering voice of the teenager.

"An eye for an eye and a head for a head..."

All of them turned around following the direction of the broken gasp of the assassin that supposedly slew their target. Yet, before they could do so, a familiar sound entered their ears. As they finally completely turned around, the head of the half step origin cultivator flew toward them in the same arc as the other head before.

Then, out of nowhere, before the head could land on the ground. Seemingly all blood within his head and body rushed out and into the blade in Bazuul's hand.

Once again another of their brothers had lost his life and was turned into a barely recognizable, dried-up husk.

The silence within the courtyard only prevailed for a couple of breaths.


The remaining half step origin cultivator roared as his whole body trembled with rage. At the same time, the slight openings on his mask revealed bloodshot eyes and signs of foam forming around his mouth. The small courtyard's atmosphere thickened with killing intent, only a second later all three remaining assassins started their attack.

Bazuul was unable to withhold a slight chuckle. Even so, he readied himself for what could be his toughest fight since his reincarnation into this world. With that being said, most likely also the toughest in both of his lifetimes.

All three simultaneously pounced and kept dashing around him in an eerie rhythm. Sometimes only one would attack, sometimes all three. Their attack pattern seemed completely random to Bazuul. Leaving him unable to truly prepare for when they decided to attack alone, and when to attack together. After having parried seven solo attacks in a row, it was again time to duel with three at a time. As all three started an attack on Bazuul from three different sides.

Realizing that they once more failed to hit their target one of them roared as his rage started to cloud his mind and heart.

Truthfully, Bazuul held himself fairly well, especially if one considered that he was a young teenager and his enemies grown assassins. Yet, he soon realized that the three assassin attacks became increasingly fierce. They suddenly started attacking without regard to their own safety. Which in turn caused Bazuul to become slightly flustered.

With the passing of time and increasing fierceness of the fight, several wounds were already visible on Bazuul's body. Though he was able to pierce one of the true qi cultivator's hearts in their last attack. Killing him and leaving only two more targets for him to take care of.

Still, a second in a fight of life or death meant an eternity. Before he could manage to draw his sword out of the assassin's chest the origin cultivator appeared behind him with bloodshot eyes and his dagger in full swing.

Unable to completely dodge the attack, Bazuul was still able to slightly avert the full power of it. The rest of the force crashed into him, causing his innards to churn viciously. The damage and pain from the internal injuries immediately made him spit out blood. It wasn't the first time he suffered internal injuries but still, never in a fight like that.

He instantly realized that his chances would only become slimmer from now on and chose to quickly come up with a plan to escape. It wasn't a foolproof plan, neither was he sure he would be able to pull it off. It was actually more of an experiment but it seemed to be the best plan he had right now.

Employing the - what he called - gold-dust technique from the sun within him he started to slowly spread it throughout the courtyard. Managing to dodge the incoming attacks he kept on spreading it. With only two charges of his mirage technique left his time ran short, but if everything would go as planned he would only need to use it one more time.

Unaware of the gold dust all around them due to their bloodlust and rage, the assassins were slowly led toward the further end of the small courtyard. Once more the origin cultivator attacked, at which point Bazuul used [Mirage], then immediately fused the lightning element with his shunpo-technique and dashed toward the alley he came from.

Turning around at the end of the courtyard he could see the assassins still follow him. With a pale expression, he forced out a smile and said.

"I vow to you now, we will see each other again!"

Simultaneously, he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers as he held some of the gold dust on their tips surface. Embers of blood-red flames shot randomly toward several different directions.

Not even a second later the whole courtyard lit up in a huge pillar of fire. Even though it was the middle of the day it shone like a beacon throughout the city. Surely capturing the attention of many eyes and seemingly burning everything within into crisp.

As the fire slowly vanished a minute later, the whole courtyard looked scorched with black soot covering the building walls. The same could be said about the origin assassin. The remaining true qi assassin, on the other hand, was completely burned as his body laid there lifeless.

The severely injured origin cultivator was unable to find any trace of the teenager. He ignored the burn wounds and roared in anger to the high heavens. Moments later an unknown voice rose inside the courtyard.

"You dare make an attempt on our prince's life? Blasphemy!"

Before the last remaining assassin could react, an unstoppable force rolled over him and squashed him like a fly. Leaving behind a courtyard filled with silence, scorch marks, several bodies and a spot of gooey meat paste.

Meanwhile, Bazuul stealthily zigzagged through the masses of people in the shopping district. His complexion paled further due to the loss of blood and his inner injuries.

He could regularly feel the blood welling up inside of him. This occasionally almost made him throw up, but up until now, he managed to gulp it back down every time.

His goal slowly came into sight, the embassy of Lumin. As he closed in on it, the guards in front of the gate took notice of him.

"HALT!! This area is closed off to the common folk!" One of them yelled as he saw the figure with torn up and ragged clothes full of bloodstains coming toward them. Not even bothering to identify the figure.

"I'm a friend of your first princess, Elanar. I need to give her something so let me through." Bazuul explained, barely conscious anymore.

"For the last time, scram or else we will have to rough you up!" The same guard warned Bazuul for a second time.

Seeing that these guards weren't taking him seriously Bazuul proceeded to inhale a big gulp of air and then shouted out her name.


"Insolent brat, you will have to learn the hard way!" The other guard reacted in kind to this affront to their masters and gave Bazuul a strong and well-positioned kick to the chest.

Bazuul flew backward for a couple of meters and landed on his butt. The impact finally caused him to lose control and he threw up an immense amount of blood. Before he could completely realize the situation, his vision faded into blackness and he lost consciousness.

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