Chapter Two: Allison

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Allison Reits walked out of the German townhouse she lived in to the gorgeous sunshine. She loved everything now, because it was all so perfect. She was engaged to a loving, kind man her parents approved of, she still had her best friend in the world, Amos Marin, and soon she would be a mother, a wife and a homemaker. The war seemed so far away now, except for the fact that Amos had to move to the ghetto on the other side of Berlin. She saw him when she could, despite what her parents thought she should do (which was, let him be alone because he's not one of your kind).

But of course, Allison didn't care. She wanted Amos in her life and he was going to stay there. He would come to her wedding and be her children's godfather and never leave her. He had promised it so, and she held him to it every day.

Harmon was off in France doing military business of some kind. When he returned, she would go to live with him in his estate prior to the wedding. The Schmidt estate was quite large, and located near to the countryside of Berlin. Once there was time, she and Harmon would marry and then it was off to the countryside for their honeymoon. A farm located just inside the borders of Poland would serve for them in these hard times. Allison didn't mind. She was finally going to be like her other sisters and have a family with a wonderful man. And Amos would always be there for her, as he always had been since they were young children. As schoolmates, they did much together until Allison was sent to a girls preparatory school by her parents. Even so, she wrote him letters and delighted in seeing him after the train had stopped in the station at Berlin at the end of every school year. She had no worries for the future, everything would turn out great.

As she sat on the front porch waiting for Amos to come around, she looked in the distance to the city. Her house was just on the outside of Berlin and from where her porch laid, she could see the Nazi swastika flying over the city offices. The National Socialist Political Party was meeting today for a reason that was unbeknownst to Allison. Her parents, Else and Friedrich Reits, never told her anything about what was going on in the war. Probably just to protect her, but she really wasn't a child anymore. Yes, war was a bad thing, and people suffered from it everyday, but shouldn't she be aware of that? She wasn't a child, and yet her parents seem to treat her like one more and more everyday. She needed to actually be a part of something. Her parents constant sheltering was becoming quite tiresome, and it only made her feel like she didn't have a say or a right to be an adult. She was stuck whenever it came to her parents, and it didn't help that Harmon was like that too. He always told her it was only to "prosper her and help her", which was more or less saying something along the same lines as her parents would say, "We're only trying to protect you". Her siblings always told her to do as she was told, and never question it; and all because that had worked for them. Well, what worked for them never worked for her, she knew that.

Lost in her reverie, she didn't hear Amos come up close to her, "Thinking much Allison?" he teased in a whisper. She jumped at the sound of his voice, "Amos Marin! You gave me a fright you wicked boy!" But she laughed ever so merrily at seeing her best friend. The times she saw him were ever so scarce, she treasured the ones she could get. All thoughts of her parents, Harmon and her family swept out of her mind like dust in the wind. Amos was here, so everything was better immediately, "Lets go for a walk along the creek," she suggested excitedly.

Amos raised an eyebrow as he always did in an inquisitive manner whenever he was suspicious, "You promise not to push me in this time?" he warned in an almost joking matter. She smiled sweetly to him, "Yes, I promise Amos."

He stepped down a few stairs of the porch and turned to Allison, "Then let's be off while the sun still shines!" he declared heartily. Too happy to reply, Allison merely followed him out into the world. Though away from her worries for a bit, she still knew they awaited her when she got back home. She could never get away form that, she knew it. All too well......

Copyright (c) 2014 Kathleen McCarthy

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