9 ~ Dancing In The Rain [unedited]

Start from the beginning

Chance's eyes widened and he began to yell at Noah, "Dude, no! You know I hate blood, I almost fainted when you forced me to watch it last year!"

"Too bad that I already played it," Noah smirked in victory and played the movie.

Vince closed lights and sat next to Lexi, a bowl of popcorn in his lap.

"I'm gonna kill that hijo de puta," Chance growled angrily and sat back. (son of a bitch)

"Tu hablas español?" I raised an eyebrow at him. (You speak Spanish?)

"Si, I'm Half Argentinean," he nodded and chucked a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Oh, on whose side?"

Chance tensed, "My mom's, you?"

"De mi padre, mi mamá es griega," I answered and he nodded. (On my dad's, my mama's greek)

About thirty minutes in, give or take, there was the most horrifyingly gory scene ever and Chance gripped my arm and hid behind my shoulder.

After the screaming was over, Chance poked me, "Is it over?"

I nodded and he came out from behind me and laid his head on my lap, holding my waist tightly for comfort. Unconsciously my hand made its way into his hair and I began to play with it.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "What conditioner do you use? Your hair is so fucking soft."

He gave me a lazy grin, "I use baby shampoo, and steal whatever conditioner I can find in Noah's bathroom, ask him."

I snickered and pulled his hair a bit earning a yelp from Chance. Just then, there was another bloody scene and Chance immediately turned and buried his face in my stomach. The whole movie went by like this, Chance hiding whenever there were any bloodshed and me only getting scared when jumpscares came up.

After a while, Lexi, Tori, and Vince went back to their dorms. Lexi leaving to finish an important assignment and the twins because they had to go their parent's for the weekend and had to pack.

Noah, Chance and I watched another movie, well, at least Noah and I did, Chance fell asleep in the middle, his lips parted in the most adorable way. As the movie ended, I turned towards Noah.

"Can you carry him to his room?"


"Why?" I whined, pouting.

"Just because," he smirked and left the room.

"Nooo! Ugh," I whisper shouted.

I looked down at the still sleeping Chance and tried to move him but his arms were still latched onto me and he was too heavy for me. In the end, I gave up and began to browse Pinterest on my phone. Suddenly, Chance shifted and his grip loosened, I grinned and slowly moved but that backfired because immediately groaned in complaint and pulled me towards him, effectively wrapping me in his arms. One of his legs were draped over me and my face was resting against his chest.

I was too shocked for a minute at what just happened but I snapped out of it pretty quickly and tried to get out of his death grip.

Keyword: tried.

My struggle only made Chance tighten his grip on me. Eventually, I accepted defeat and fell asleep to his light snoring and steady heartbeat.


Waking up, I snuggled into my pillow but felt something poke my butt. My eyes immediately opened and widened when I saw Chance behind me and figured what was poking me.

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