10 ~ The Beach [unedited]

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(Past Thea) -

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(Past Thea) -

[Stalker Journal: Entry NO. 9]

I took a big sip of the ice-cold lemonade in my hand. I was out with my brother and his friends and were at a diner downtown. I usually hung out with my brother and his friends, I was used to them and saw them all as my own brothers.

Soon, we were coming out of the diner and that was when I saw him, we locked eyes for a minute before I broke eye contact.

"You all right, princess? You look shaken up," Lucky noticed and asked, his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I'm fine," I assured him.

"99% of the time that girls say they're fine, they're not and I know you, something's bothering you, so spill," Dylan told me and slurped his milkshake.

I glared at him, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not," he snorted and looked me in the eye, that damn jerk knew I couldn't handle the pressure.

"Fine! Fine, something's bothering me but I don't wanna tell you guys," I finished in a squeaky voice.

"Is it boy trouble?" Roman piped up from behind me with a smirk.

"Thea! You're too young to have boy troubles," Lucky scolded me.

"I'm 14!" I shouted and Roman smirked.

"So you admit you're having boy troubles?" He asked slowly, knowing that he was driving me to absolute madness.

"No!" I denied his claim although I already knew that I was screwed.

"Don't lie to us, baby. Also, you're not allowed to date to date till you're 30," Dylan teased.

"You're not my dad, Dylan," I told him in an aggravated tone.

"But I'm your older brother so what I say goes. No dating till you're 30," Lucky smirked and Roman laughed.

"You guys are impossible!"

(Present Thea) -

"Thea, truth or dare," Chance said.

"Dare," I said without a moment of hesitation. He smiled sinisterly and it was at that moment I reevaluated all my choices in life.

"Dye your hair pink," he smirked and my eyes widened.

"No one is touching my hair!" I shouted at him.

"Come on, just last week you said you wanted pink hair but don't have the guts or motivation for it so I'm doing you a favor here!" He reasoned, a mischievous grin plastered onto his face.

"I think pink hair would look good on you. I'll set up an appointment with my hairstylist for tomorrow," Tori spoke up and I whined.

"Do I really have to?" I wiped a fake tear.

Coincidence? I think not. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu