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luke's point of view

(still very new for me to write for a guy so bear w me pls)

"Luke! Get over here please!" I looked over at Michael, who was calling me over to join the other boys. I went over and was greeted with hugs and such. "We should play a game." Calum spoke with a drink in one hand and a smoke in the other. He never smokes, but I guess when it comes to bachelor parties, it's different. "Guys. It's a bachelor party, not a 3rd grade birthday. We're grown men, for fucks sake." I said and looked around at every single one in this room. My brothers Jack and Ben, had flown from Australia to be here, and Michael, Ashton and Calum, well... They were a package deal.

"Wait when are we even meeting the girls?" Calum asked me. " We're meeting them in three hours, so that leaves us to get pretty fucking hammered." I replied and took a sip of some vodka thing Michael gave me. I immediately coughed as I realized he hadn't mixed it with anything. "Damn, Clifford! Is this vodka, straight?" Michael laughed at me before putting on his serious face and replied with: "No, gay." Which made us all chuckle.

hartley's point of view

It's almost eleven, and we'd been at a club we rented until tomorrow for a few hours, but it was very awkward considering Dom and I kissed. Of course, no one else but us knew this. I don't know what the feeling in my body was, when I saw Ashley approaching Dom on the floor, hugging him tight and being all "flirty" around him. What was her deal?

I was in the middle of taking a sip from my strawberry daiquiri, when I felt someone kiss my neck. "You don't look too thrilled with this bachelorette party, I see." A voice said in my ear. I got goosebumps whilst smiling in remembrance. I turn around to stare deeply into Luke's eyes. I cup his face with my hand and pull him in for a kiss. He gets up and pulls me up with him, and soon enough - it's a true make-out session. Everyone around us start cheering, clapping and screaming our names. "Hi." I chuckle, laugh and hide my red face in Luke's chest. He leans down and kisses my head, whispering: "Hi, Hart."

"Speech! Speech! Speech!"

We get shoved over to a table in which we stand on and is supposed hold our speeches. Luke turns to me. "Should I go first?" He asks and looks all over the filled room of people, here to celebrate our last week of being engaged. A tear forms in my eye and I sniffle, but quickly shoves it away from my lid and nods at him. It's all so real now. "Yeah, I think it's best if you go first, because I'm far too emotional right now." I laugh and say, kissing his cheek.

He bangs his drink spoon into his glass which makes everyone shut up almost instantly. (hope y'all know what I mean because I'm such a fucking klutz with words) "Hello everyone! Hartley and I would like to thank all of you personally for coming tonight, it means the world and more to us. That said- Hartley. The woman of the hour." He takes a short break. I can see in his eyes that he's about to cry, and I couldn't be happier. I look in the crowd to see Dom looking rather flustered at me, and next to him is Ashley, who seems to be giving me the death stare. No matter how hard I want to give myself my all to Luke, Dom just peaks through in my mind. It might be our history, the things we shared or the mutual love we had for each other - but he had unresolved feelings for another for fucks sake!

"Hartley, the day I met you, you were sitting at a bar, completely heartbroken and a little bit drunk but I won't tell anybody." People started laughing their asses off and I found myself doing so as well. The only person in this room that wasn't laughing, was Dominic. He knew that I was heartbroken because of him. "So I bought you a drink! And from there our relationship really took off. In the start it was very..." He struggled to find the right word for booty call. I coughed. "We were each others booty calls." And then I coughed again. People were laughing at our antics and I felt very comfortable like this. In this environment where I knew everything was good. Where there was no drama ever.

"Yeah, we were. Look at us now, Hartley. Totally in love with each other and soon to be married. I couldn't imagine a future without you and looking back, I'm not sure how I survived my past without you. I love you so much, Hart. Always and forever." He was crying now and dried his tears off in his sleeve. "To Hartley." He raised a glass and proposed a toast. I was blushing again and I wasn't even trying to. Everyone was shouting "To Hartley" whilst drinking their alcoholic drinks.

I took a step in front of Luke. "I guess it's my turn now!" I laughed nervously.

"Luke, when you came into my life I was broken. Utterly devastated, and needed love. I simply don't have the words to describe the feeling of finally being loved - feeling like you matter to a certain someone. And that feeling was what I felt with you after not even a month of whatever we were doing. You brought me hope. You brought me new acquaintances. Michael, Calum, Ashton and a few others who I look up to as well and love as dearly as I love you. I just wouldn't marry em, you know?" I sniffled. All the 5sos boys were laughing and a few others as well. I continued.

"Lucas. This may not be long or whatever but what I say, goes. I'll still love you equally as much as I love you today, tomorrow." My cute fiancé was grinning with a few tears down his face. "You know I hate when you call me, Lucas." I nodded at him as a response. "I know you do. And I don't care, because I'll always call you that, no matter how hard you try to insist on me not to. You are and always will be the love of my life, my protector, lover and the man i want to spend the rest of my life with. No matter how hard you make fun of me every single day, I'll, somehow, still love you more. Luke Robert Hemmings, I love you with all my heart and I am yours, yours for eternity and I promise that when we stand at the altar in a week I won't get cold feet." I sobbed whilst laughing a little.

This officially meant no sneaking around with Dom. No more Dom. No intimate relation to Dom. We were once what I thought was a fairytale, yet no more. I found the love of my life and I'll love him all the time from now until forever.

I embraced Luke in a tight hug, he kissed my head and people were cheering for us.

"The worst thing about this whole speech thing is that I've probably already said all the things I wanted to say at the altar, so I'm sorry if I have nothing to say in a week. Ew! I'm crying!" I laugh yet again, but this time I have some more control of myself. 

Luke turned to me, gathered my hands in his and kissed me deeply with emotion. "I love you." I sniffled at him and nodded. "I love you too." I wasn't over the crying part, but i figured it would stop eventually by the end of the evening.

"Now everybody, let's party!"

A/N: hi guys! long chapter! rain on me by ariana and lady gaga came out today! what do y'all think about it? i think it's a BOP!

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