He is very aggravated, I am not sure what to say. I am not surprise that my father is planning my future and his next steps for the good of the pack. I have never really had much of say in my life or a real plan. I have always let the stars guide my fate and my path.

"I know this must be frustrating, but I do think they mean well. I think everyone is just concern about the future and what do next for the good of both of our packs. I mean I can see both sides, and....." Oh stars I am rambling I must sound like an utter fool right now.

Kader turns to me and does the unexpected again, he laughs. "Of course my mate would be considerate of both sides, you're too sweet for your own good Azalea." I know I am blushing now, he called me his mate and sweet, oh stars.

"Kader, Azalea, please join us for dinner." My father's deep voice echo's through the room, I am startled by it but then I am instantly soothed when Kader takes my hand and leads the way.

Othniel Onan, Kader's father is a formidable man and wolf, he is larger than my father but they are equal in height, and it is if I am looking at a much older and bulker version of Kader.

However Othniel has dark brown eyes that almost swallow his pupil, he is very intimidating to say the least. In contrast Kader's mother Olivia is so very dainty compared to her mate. She is shorter than me by a good foot, and she has a soft round face but she is petit in stature. She has shorter brown hair it is cut just to her shoulders, and her eyes are... just like Kader's I realize deep green. She is stunning, I can see why Kader is so attractive, how he could not be with parents like that.

It doesn't take me long to get over how attractive Kader's parents are because I begin to feel the tension of the room. Oh stars this does not seem good, I look to my father his face is set in stone and I can't read him. Per usual Violet looks like she would rather be anywhere else besides this room and my mother seems concerned, she looks my father and Kader's father.

My father looks to me and gives me a small smile, "you look lovely Azalea". The shock on my face must have registered to him because his smile falters. I cannot believe that he gave me a compliment without seem forced.

"Thank you father", I incline my head to show respect. Kader father greets me polightly but doesn't seem very interested in doing anything more. This disappoints me, I hope I am not a disappointment in his eyes, although it would not be the first time. Kader's mother gives me a warm gracious smile and tells me how happy she is to meet me, this is a much more pleasant welcome than Alpha Othniels. Kader places his hand on the small of my back, this sends delightful shivers up my spine. I turn to him in surprise but he gives no indication that he knows what I am feeling. Which is a good thing because if he did it would be unbelievably embarrassing. Kader guides me to my seat next to mother, whom is across from my Violent and Kader's mother, with the two alphas at the heads of the table. Kader takes a seat next to me and adjacent to his father.

Suddenly the servants begin serving dinner, roasted lamb with potatoes and a variety of roasted vegetables. Everything was excellent tasting however with all the tension I felt in the room it was becoming very hard to enjoy the food. What on earth were they discussing before I arrived? I doubt I will find out unless Kader decides to tell me. Though that is doubtful men do not usually discuss matter with the women not even their mates in some cases. This I pray is different in my mate ship I want Kader to be able to share everything with me and I with him. '

            After desert was served and finished my father and Alpha Othniel decided to retire to my father study to continue their earlier discussion, at least that's what I am assumed. I was hoping to speak with Kader a bit more alone to obtain more information about our father's conversation but he joined them in the study a few moments after dinner. What I would not give to be able to hear through the solid pine doors. They must be discussing Kader and I, but what aspect about us? As much as I know what my being a women means, I am not privy to any conversations that are given between men, however at this moment I find it very unfair. They are talking about mine and Kader's future.  I want be a part of their discussions, even though I always knew that my mate would be making most of the decisions in our mateship part of me was hoping my mate and our relationship would be different.

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