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Breathe in—out
Breathe in—out.

My deepest fear is breathing in, and not being able to breathe out.
It is finding me in a position where if I breathe out, I die, and if I breathe in, I die. My greatest fear therefore is drowning.
It's awful to have a thousand words to say but they aren't enough to travel through water, they eventually get wrapped up in bubbles that explode into nothing when it gets to the surface. A cry for help of a dying person reduced to not even a whisper. I wonder how that feels like, watching your world float away as you sink.
But what's worse is being able to breathe freely but still fell like your drowning. Choking from a relationship with a person that was once your breath of fresh air, but became your worst nightmare. Choking from a job that stops you from doing what you love, to what you have to do to survive.
I never want to feel like I'm drowning from the very oxygen we were meant to breathe with. So before I get vested in anything, I make sure I could at least—
Breathe in—out In—out

My Lovely Dark Thoughts Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now