Silence ensued and I went to move the phone away thinking the message finished, but then he continued.

"You see Gabe, the thing is, I think that, no, I know that I lo-"

"Kai? What are you doing in here?" Another man's voice said suddenly. "Come on, or we are going to be late! Leave it to you to go missing on your special day. Who are you even calling? Anyone you could possibly want to talk to is already here!"

The call ended at that moment.

I couldn't breathe as I stared at the blank screen of the phone I held in my hands. I have never felt this helpless. What did he mean by calling me? Was he about to say what I think he was going to say; that he does have feelings toward me? Something wet dropped down onto my arm momentarily shaking me from my thoughts and only then did I realize that tears were finding their way down my cheeks. I wiped at them with the back of my hand as I took in a shaky breath, my mind going a mile a minute, which seemed to be the only speed it knew these days. What should I do? I unlocked the phone screen pulling up Greg's number, but my thumb stopped short of hitting the "call" icon. I already knew what he would say and it would be something along the lines of "Get your self together", and "You need therapy". I needed to ask him plainly and I needed t do it now, and there is only one way to do that.

I exited the ladies room in a flurry, taping away at my phone. I didn't even notice Janet as she called out to me; I simply tapped the "purchase" button on my screen before breaking into an all-out run.

It was definitely the longest, of all long shots, but my instinct told me that this was the only way.

I pulled out of the parking garage with a loud screech as the engine in my little Hyundai roared picking up speed.

I will be cutting it close. The thought with sudden panic as I glanced over at the clock on the dash board. "Really, really close."

I sigh as I swerve around an SUV in order to make it through the light causing the driver to honk angrily in my wake. Who would have thought that this would me? That I would be that love-sick girl putting all her chips down and betting everything she owned on even the smallest chance that the guy she loved, loved her back?

I seriously thought that I had my shit together, that I was knew what I wanted, and had gotten over him. Of course, Greg would beg to differ on that last part, and he would be correct, I could never be over him, ever. I played the voicemail again and again as I ran to the car and while pulling out of the garage just to make sure that I was hearing things or imagining things, and no, there was no mistaking the sound and tone of his voice or what it was he was trying to say.

"If you don't calm down Gabriel Leighton, that will be you in a few years." I say with hysteric laughter because the old lady that I cut off seconds ago, just flipped me off.

The moment of truth lay ahead in the form of a ramp that merged onto the highway. I veered off the road I was on ready to fight my way down the interstate driving on the shoulder if I had to the four miles to the exit for the airport.

"ALL RIGHT!" I shout as the highway comes into view before me. There was no traffic, it was going to be smooth sailing from here. Maybe my mom was watching over me right now, I never had such luck before. I stepped on the pedal and held on as my little sedan picked up speed. I had tried my best to ignore the clock up to this point because it was only going to stress me out even more, but my eyes drifted over to look anyways.


I mash the pedal down instead and almost lose control of the car, the second longest five seconds of my life. "You won't get to Chicago if you are dead." I tell myself as I swerve onto the off ramp and onto the road that leads to the departure gates.

I park my car, sort of, and jump out throwing my keys at the young valet standing by the curb and take off running through the entrance. He wants me to wait for my voucher but I can't and now I think he is following me.

I hear an announcement over the loud speaker for my flight. "No! FUCK!" I pick up the pace as dozens of people stare at me.

When I reach the first gate, I want to scream. Why are there so many people waiting to get through security? My world started to crumble as I realized, I wasn't going to make it. Then I see a sign saying "passholders this entrance", and I suddenly remembered my TSA pass in my wallet. I change direction sprinting through the gate slowing down enough to scan my card and phone.

I hear a very breathless "Wait!". I turn to see the valet I had tossed my keys to, he is holding out a ticket. I reach over the fence to take it then resume my sprint. I reach the gate for my plane just in time to see the two attendants there closing the gate. "Stop! I am coming!" They looked around frightened and bewildered a moment before one them sees me coming. Thank goodness I take this airline often and so the one attendant recognizes me and reopens the door while the other picks up the phone to call the cabin. I scan my phone again as I manage to say "thank you" to them both and then disappear down the ramp.

The captain also recognizes me when I enter the plane and smiles giving me a nod. This isn't the first time I did this to him. "I wondered if it was you, and here you are."

"Thank you so much John." I say over my shoulder as I find my seat, a seat that happened to be next to a handsome, if some what obnoxious individual. I realized today that I was over flowing with luck, because my favorite attendant Chris appeared with a pair of head phones giving me the opportunity to enjoy the ride undisturbed.

Moments later, the plane took off and I took this time to get some rest because I was going to need all the strength that I could get in a few hours.

Suddenly, There was KaiWhere stories live. Discover now