Ordinary People

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*Mature content! Don't say I didn't warn you*

"So the Lockwoods really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Elena asked as she held a flash light in her hand. She was close behind Alaric while I was behind her.

"Yea. Careful where you shine that thing." Ric said to Elena without looking back.

"Wait. What?" She asked confused. She kept shining it on the walls and would sometimes get it in Ric's eyes.

"Bats hate the light" He mentions nonchalantly.

"L-Lena" My eyes widened and hers did too. Bats? Ok someone please get me out of this cave!

Last night while me and Elena were with Stefan and Lexi, Damon was off with Tyler's dead Uncle. They found this place and now Alaric wanted to do some snooping. "Nina"

I gasped at the whisper of my name and bump into Damon who snickered beside me. He obviously found it hilarious to scare the crap out of me. "Damon I will smack that smirk off your face" I glared at him.

He winked and wrapped his arm around my waste "So you really can't get in?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nope, seems even the ancient Lockwoods hated vamps" He said pinching my side slightly.

"What do you mean ancient?" I asked and slapped his hand but he held me tighter helping me over the rocks that I definatly would've tripped over being my clumsy self.

"See for your self" He leaned back at the enterance "This is as far as I go" Elena tried to step down from rocks but failed to in her heeled boots. Damon gave her his hand and her eyes seemed to meet his. What is this feeling? She seemed to look at him differently. Don't tell me. He helped her down and she didn't even thank him.

"What is all of this?" Elena froze.

"From what I can tell its a story, in archeological terms.." Ric sighed brushing his hair back. "A really old story" Well obviously. I sighed walking closer to the drawings and brushing my fingers across them. "That right there is the moon cycle" He shined his light to where I brushed my finger on. "A man, a wolf"

"A werewolf" Elena stated her eyes wide.

"Yea its the Lockwood Diaries pictionary style" I roll my eyes at Damon apparent joke of the situation.

"I don't understand I thought the Lockwoods came here with the original founders in the 1960s"

"Maybe they did, but werewolves were definitly here way before then Elena" I turned to her and her eyes widened.

She turned to Ric "How long?" Even before Mystic falls? my eyes also went to Alaric's.

"Very long" Damon cuts in.

Alaric walks up closer to the walls of the cave "They're written in runic. A viking script" Vikings? Oh my god.

"Vikings?" Elena looked as shocked as I was.

"This name here translates to Niklaus" Klaus? The Klaus? Who tried to kill.. well anyone I've ever cared about.

"Elijah. Rebekah" Alaric read the rest of the names on the wall.

"These are the names of the origninal family" Elena seemed to point out the obvious alot but I decided not to point it out.

"They are carved in a cave that has been here since before the founding of mystic falls, and even matter of fact, the New World" Alaric explanis to us that we were looking at raw history that was not touched at all for these many centuries.

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