The New Deal

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Chapter 11

*Mature warning*

It's been a three weeks since homecoming. Everything seems to have gone wrong. Damon has not been himself. He keeps to himself and rarely talks to me. I know he is hurting inside and I have no idea how to help him. Sitting next to Jenna's grave I update her about everything. I haven't cried in such a long time. Though there is this heavy feeling in my chest. "I miss you so much Aunt Jenna." I touch her grave stone as if I can be closer to her. I brought her her favorite flowers. 

The sun was so bright that it hurts my eyes when I look up. The weather is warmer now so all I chose to wear was a tank top. "You know me and Damon are dating now. I love him Aunt Jenna. I just wish I knew how you'd react." I laugh softly shaking my head. "Who am I kidding you'd be fucking pissed." I push my now shorter hair to the side. I cut it a week ago. The length now to my shoulders. It was just extra weight. "I'm seventeen now. Practically a grown up, or so I feel like one. With everything going on I feel like I've aged twenty years." 

While I'm in the middle of cracking a joke I hear something coming from the woods. I turn around but nothing is there. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Yes thats it. I'm being paranoid after everything that happened. "If you were here right now I'd ask you about this whole hunter thing that Klaus told me about. Was Grandma AnnabelIe a hunter? Klaus said he knew her. He said I looked just like her. Am I a hunter? Is that the reason I was a sacrifice? No one is telling me anything. If I ever see Klaus again, which I dread the day I do. I want to ask him questions only he seems to be answering." I finally get up from the grass and say bye to Aunt Jenna, promising her I would come and visit her again. 

Elena texts me to meet her and Bonnie at The Grill. It sounds urgent so of course I go. "You don't look so good. Are you ok?" I ask Elena who bit her nails. I know my sister, she only bites her nails when she is nervous. 

"I was on my morning run. You know to clear my head and all. While I was running I felt someone behind me and when I turned around this guy was running straight towards me." She explains looking absolutely freaked out. 

"Are you sure he wasn't just out for a morning run like you were?" Bonnie asks and I nod agreeing. Maybe Elena is just as paranoid as I am. 

"No, it wasn't like that." She shakes her head and puts her hand down on her lap. "At first I thought I was just. being paranoid but I ran faster and then he started to speed up too. It was so freaky. He was chasing me, I swear it. Just to make sure I wasn't crazy I took a sharp turn and he followed me taking the exact turn. I ran faster and I thought I out ran him and turned around. He wasn't there but, then suddenly he was and he acted like nothing happened. How did her appear in front of me when he was chasing me from me from behind?" 

My eyes go wide fearful for her safety. "Who the hell would do that?"

"Do you think it's someone that works for Klaus? Looking for revenge or just trying to spook you?" Bonnie asks taking one of my fries from the basket. 

"I hope not. He is still out there and knows I was included in the plan in trying to kill him. The stress is eating at my sanity." Elena brushes her hair back sighing. 

"I've been having this recurring dream. I see Klaus in a coffin with five other coffins around him. It's terrifying." Bonnie admits. She has been keeping it to herself all this time. I wish she would open up to us more. I don't want her to carry any weight on her shoulders. We are her friends and we should be there for her just like she has been there for us countless of times. "Anyways, what about Stefan? Have you heard from him?" 

I shake my head. "Nothing. After homecoming he just disappeared. Damon has been a mess. He has been keeping to himself." 

"Well Stefan did betray us. Damon has the right to be upset." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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