Disturbing Behavior

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Chapter Four

"Hello, I come bearing gifts!" Caroline's smile was bright without falter when Nina opened the door.

"Please don't tell me it's chilly," Nina said laughing Caroline looked confused but then Bonnie appeared from her hiding spot.

"I'm back!"

"Bonnie!" Bonnie attacked Nina with a bear hug and Nina held tightly onto her best friend. Nina tried to show others that she was ok, even though her sister and her best friend were missing. She had spent the whole summer trying to find someone that just did not want to be found. She felt like she wasted everything on him.

"Okay, so what time are we going to the Lockwood party?" Caroline asked placing her plate of chilly on the counter.

"I just have to finish this up and we can leave, mind pouring for me?" Caroline tilted the heavy pot above the plate as Nina pushed the chilly with a spoon.

"Since when did you learn how to cook?" Bonnie asked leaning on the counter.

"Damon helped me" Nina answered with a normal tone.

"Wha- Damons helping you cook now?" Bonnie looked at Nina weirded out and Caroline looked surprised.

Nina shook her head "Both of you stop judging he is just trying to be a good f- AH!" Nina shouted surprising Bonnie who leaned back.

"Did I splash you?" Caroline panicked but Nina shook her head as she felt her sister's necklace burn her chest.

She looked to her chest and took off the necklace "It burned me" She never took her sister's necklace off ever since she gave it to her the last time they saw each other.

"Maybe its a sign that you should not wear it" Caroline explained putting the pot down.

"Caroline" Bonnie glared at her as she just shrugged. "Here let me see it" Bonnie touched it carefully and an electric shock of energy hit us both making us gasp.

"What the hell"

Nina talked to some of the townspeople who wondered where her older sister was. Her answer to everyone's questions was that her sister was off on a trip with her boyfriend. Every time she talked about her sister she felt a part of her break away.

"Nina" Caroline walked up to Nina as she was in mid-conversation. She excused herself and let Caroline drag her away. "What is going on with you and Damon?" Nina sighed knowing that Caroline has probably been keeping this in for a long time.

"It is complicated, right now we are just focused on getting Stefan and Elena back" Caroline rolled her eyes not believing Nina for a second.

"None of that makes him less Damon" Nina knew Caroline disliked him, but for Nina, it was the complete opposite. "If my own father, who I love dearly can't change me? No one is changing Damon" Caroline shook her head. Nina's brows raised wanting to get out of this situation. "Not even you"

Nina sighed "Why are we even talking about this?"

"Its because I care for you Nina, I just don't want to see you get hurt, I see the way you look at Stefan and it is the same way you look at Damon" Caroline took Nina's hands in hers.


"I hope you know what you're doing," Caroline said and hugged Nina.

"I hope so too"

Bonnie appeared by our side "The necklace it has its own magic"

"What? How?" Nina asked looking at Elena's necklace now in Bonnie's hand.

"I don't know that's what I want to figure out," Bonnie said and left their side.

"Did Elena ever tell you anything about the necklace?" Caroline asked and Nina shook her head nope.

A few hours late when the sky turned dark it was finally time to leave The Grill which the Nina and Caroline ate lunch ate. Alaric had come to get them. He had been very protective lately always at Nina's side.

Nina smiled "Hey"

"Ready to leave?" He asked with his keys in his hands.

"Mhm let's get out of here" Caroline patted her sundress down.

"Where is Damon?"

"Probably off doing bad things to good people" Caroline comments "Consider me the honesty police" Nina shook her head.

As they walked towards the door Caroline's face darkened. Nina noticed as Caroline stopped "What wrong?" "What's the matter?" Alaric and Nina worried as Caroline looked frightened.

"It's my dad" Caroline's voice staggered.

"W-" They both looked and saw him talking and laughing with some townspeople. "Why would he even come here"

Caroline shook her head "I don't know but I can't-" Nina nodded understanding Caroline completely.

"I know. I'll call you later" Nina rubbed Caroline's arm who nodded and hurried out of there.

Alaric turned to Nina "Ok what was that all about?"

"Speaking of doing bad things to good people," Nina said and walked out with Alaric quickly.

When they got home Nina and Alaric were watching tv. Alaric had a huge bowl of popcorn and a beer glass at his side. "Houston, we have a problem" Damon opened the door to the Gilbert residence in urgency.

Nina turned towards him "Where have you been?"

"Managing Bill Forbes apparently he's impervious to compulsion," Damon explained, clearly pissed off.

"How?" Alaric asked confused.

"I don't know but he threatened to out me, don't get me started on the irony of that" Thats when the two got up from the couch and walked over to Damon.

"Damon what did you do to him? How do you know the compulsion doesn't work?" Nina knew he must've done something to screw everything up. He wasn't careful with hiding his secret.

"What does he want?" Alaric asked.

"He wants to control the consul, says it's been compromised"

Alaric shook his head "It has!"

"He wants to put vervain in the towns water supply" Damon stated crossing his arms.

Nina sighed "Maybe its a good thing"

Damon stopped his eyes meeting her "Why would it be a good thing, Nina? So I'm not chomping down on every neck in this town?"

"You know that is not what I mean Damon" Nina stepped forward shaking her head. He would always make her seem like the bad guy. Like she hated him. It was the opposite.

"Do I? I'm gonna kill that idiot and no vervain can stop me" Nina backed away as he stepped forward towering over her small figure.

"Come on Damon back off," Alaric said standing in front of Nina.

"You're repeatedly killing my buzz, Ric. Step aside" Damon grew annoyed and saw the look in Nina's eyes. She was begging him to calm down.

"Yea that's not gonna happen" Nina looked at the both of them. Damon looked down at Ric's ring and smirked.

"Your temporary funeral" Damon snapped Ric's neck in frustration.

"Damon no!"

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