Chapter 2

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y/n pov

"didn't you hit her too hard?"
"that was literally the lightest i could hit"
"then why isn't she waking up you idiot"
"idk ask her"
"she is literally unconscious stupidass how can i ask her"
"man IDK stop annoying m-"

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" i yelled as i sat up
these people can't let me take a nap for one holy second god.
wait i am not in my college and these are not my friends? where tf am i? and i just remembered everything from that bkack van to hitting me in the head and dragging me. my kidnappers OMG OMG

They were glaring at me like i have kidnapped them or something, bro YOU guys are the kidnappers i should be the one angry and yes i am.

"don't shout" the one with broad shoulders and blonde hair said glaring at me
"yes please we hate shouting, we have even told jimin hyung to talk to us in polite tone and not his usual yelling every 2 seconds"

jimin hyung? now who's that. the blondie here?
"why don't you tell her our bank accounts info too while you're at it jungkook?" the blondie with broad shoulders said sarcastically.

"you can get sarcastic later mister, first can i please know who are you guys and why i am kidnapped by you two?" i asked both of them.
"that is for jimin to tell you, wait for him. and about us, i am seokjin and he is jungkook. that's all you can know"

"Hi" said jungkook and extending his hand like we were besties.
"um hi" i awkwardly replied while shaking his hand to not be rude. i shouldn't be worried about being rude to my kidnappers but basic manners bro plus this jungkook guy is so polite and.. cute. yeah i just called my kidnapper cute, I'm out of my mind probably. the other guy, seokjin was rude but he was too handsome so... nvm

After that they left and i started thinking about this jimin guy and why did he kidnapped me. does he want money? doesn't he know my multimillionaire father is my stepfather who will not even give a single penny for my safety? he won't even care. nevermind how would he know, that pathetic excuse for a father acts so sweet and kind towards me in public, people actually think he's the best father in this world. best father my ass
these thoughts kept me distracted for idk how long but i finally realized that i haven't looked around me even once. wow i can really be distracted by my thoughts this much.. so i finally noticed my surroundings and realized i was in a really beautiful room like those king's castle.

Just kidding lmao this is real life not cinderella, i was in a prison kinda room with a single tiny window and the smallest washroom i have ever seen in my life. the door of the room was made of metal and was probably locked from outside. metal door? seriously? what am i, a psychotic serial killer?
what i was sitting on was a wooden chair which was the only object in this whole room other than a broken mirror hanging on the wall. suddenly the i heard a sound of lock opening and the metal door started moving and opened after a whole minute. god how did this jimin guy even found this door?

Someone stepped inside the room and as i looked at him i got speechless for solid 10 seconds. his beauty was out of this world, he looked like an angel with a halo above his head. he was wearing a black button-up shirt whose cuffs were folded (simp alert) with black pants (simp alert again). i can't believe i was drooling over him when this guy could literally be my kidnapper.

and it suddenly clicked,

He was Jimin.

My kidnapper.

685 words (EDITED)


A/N: hello! another short chapter, sorry 🤕

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