"Well, this is quite a surprise." He said smirking. "What can i do for you ladies?"

I turned towards Brook who was to busy checking him out. Waving my hand in her face to get her to focus i rolled my eyes and sighed, turning back to Adonis.

"We were wondering if you would like to go and watch a movie with us."

"It would be my pleasure." He grinned and stepped out of his room closing his door. I took the chance to check him out as well. He wore what could be called his comfy clothes. A T-Shirt and some baggy shorts which is opposite of the bad boy look he had the other days which included tight black shirts, expensive jeans and combat boots. And throw in a leather jacket.

He still looked pretty good though.

We heard another door open and turned to see Eros who was in a T-Shirt and jeans which is completely opposite to the suits he usually wears.

He also looked pretty good.

Adonis's grin dropped and he glared at Eros, "Actually, on second thought...." He muttered before turning to his door to go back in.

"Adonis." I said making him stop and sigh before turning back to me. I turned towards Eros and smiled at him. "Hello Eros. Me and my friend Brooklyn here," I pointed towards her and saw her looking him over as she did Adonis making me growl before i cleared my throat, "We were wondering if you would like to watch a movie with us?"
I gave him a sweet smile which causing him to grin.

"Of course. I'd love to."
That is until he saw Adonis standing behind us. "Actually i-"

I quickly cut him off.

"To late. You said you would. Let's go guys!"

I grabbed onto Brooks hand and dragged her with me and listened closely to the guys to make sure they were behind us. It took them a little bit but they started to come along. Wise choice.

We reached the theater room and I decided that i should be the one to pick the movie. Of course i picked a comedy with some romance and action. I could use a laugh. Brook loves romance movies and I'm guessing the guys like action.

I walked towards the front row with Brooklyn right behind me and sat down. Before she was able to sit beside me the boys beat her to it. Eros sat on my left and Adonis on my right. I laughed softly and shrugged my shoulders at Brook. She shrugged back and then went and sat beside Adonis. The movie started and during it I kept seeing Brooklyn get closer to Adonis and try to lean on him. I even saw her try to put her hand on his thigh. I don't know whether to be pissed that she still tries to get with him after i told her not to or to just let it pass since these guys are like gods. They look so damn good she probably can't help herself. I know how hard it's been for me to not touch them. I know that it seems drastic like 'what's wrong with touching?' Well, for me  touching can lead to whole new things fast.

Even though Darcy kept trying to move up on him he just kept leaning away from her and getting closer to me which made me smile. She frowned which made me laugh silently and i guess she heard since she looked over at me and flipped me off. That just made me laugh louder and Eros and Adonis look over at me curiously. I made it look like i was just laughing at the movie, even though there wasn't even a funny part on. 

The movie came to an end and we decided to hang out in the game room.

Everything was going good with everybody. Brooklyn gave up on Adonis and tried to get with Eros but he also turned her down so she just went and bowled. I'm on one of the game machines playing Packman. Adonis is on another one playing a shooting game with zombies and Eros is playing on the game system.
I'm really proud of Eros and Adonis. They haven't gotten into one argument since we've all grouped up. Sure they haven't talked to each other or said one word, but they were still behaving.

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