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Picture of: Katsumi SohmaPlayed as: Mashiro Shiina (but with brown eyes)I do not own Fruits Basket, or any of their characters

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Picture of: Katsumi Sohma
Played as: Mashiro Shiina (but with brown eyes)
I do not own Fruits Basket, or any of their characters. The only one that is mine is Katsumi.

Cover is by: kukki__101

Hi everyone! If you would like to contact me, with reactions, or even questions! Please feel free to snapchat me! My username is: eternal-nothing (yes, it's embarrassing I made it when I was 13 LOL)

Katsumi Sohma did in fact not change, when she was first handed to her mother as a small infant, bundled tightly in pink blankets. No, it wasn't until she was handed to her father, that she changed into a small, yellow rabbit. Just like her elder twin brother. In only their first short moments of life, fate had dealt them the short hand. Their mother had rejected them almost instantly, body and soul. The young children did not remember their first years of life, but the older they got, the more the twins remember their mother slipping into hysteria. Their mother despised them both, but it became apparent that she had a stronger dislike for the older twin Momiji. Likely because their mother could not hold him in her arms without triggering his transformation.

Katsumi, and Momiji spent a lot of time at young Hatori's family house as they aged, when their father went to work their mother could not be trusted to look after the growing toddlers. Not that either of the twins were troublesome little beings, but when their mother was left alone with them there was no telling what she would do. She would often be found hiding from the twins, screaming hysterically at them when they tried to get her attention, or refusing to give them meals. Momiji had accepted early on that this was how their mother felt about them, and found comfort in his relationship with their father; however, Katsumi did not share the same kind of bond with her father, the reason being that as soon as she tried to embrace her father she would transform. She was ashamed of her zodiac; she would feel disgusting, and monstrous with every transformation. Even at the young age of three, she understood that her transformation was what made their mother resent her and her brother.

On one rainy evening, the twins father had to go away for a business trip, leaving them alone in the house with their mother for the weekend. The two toddlers were splayed across the couch, sleeping soundly as the rain pitter pattered against the window. Katsumi woke to a warm hand stroking her hair, upon opening her large brown eyes she sees her mother staring softly down at her.

"Katsumi my darling, mutti is sorry. Mutti loves you very much." Their mother tells her, scooping the six year old girl into her arms and hugging her gently. After their mother assumed she was asleep, she sets the toddler down beside her brother and leaves the room. Katsumi follows, craving more of her mothers rare affection. She peeks around the kitchens island, and finds her mother stabbing a pair of scissors into her stomach. The child wails in despair, running to find a phone to call an ambulance.

The twins stand together hand in hand, in the dark hallway of the hospital. The little blonde girl soaked in her mothers blood, and the little boy staring blankly at the wall. Their father rushes through the door, sweeping the boy into a hug and cradling the girl, kissing her head.

"Momiji, Katsumi, your mother might not make it through this, but the doctor thinks that it's possible she'll get better if she forgets all about you two. I know that would be painful for you, but I promise to love you that much more to make up for losing her. If you love mama like I do, then this is the one way you can save her life." The small family cries at their loss, at such a young age the twins had already gone through so much. This wasn't the end of their pain, no, there was more yet to come.

Together the twins peered around the door, into the darkened room of Hatori Sohma's office. Their mother was seated on a stool across from Hatori's chair, she looked haggard and broken.

"You're sure you want to forget about your twins? It's a big decision, you won't regret it?" The twins grasp each others hands, waiting for the harsh response that had yet to come. They knew that she would not deny this hatred for her children, yet in their hearts they wanted her to try to love them.

"You really want to sit there and ask me such a question? Then I'll tell you, I regret that I ever gave birth to such cursed creatures!" She said hysterically, tears streaking down her cheeks. It was there, everyone's life change- some for good, and some for bad. It was there, something inside Katsumi broke.

Life was different from then on, the twin were removed from their home and placed into another. Their mother recovered slowly, finding happiness in life again and Momiji found happiness in her recovery. Katsumi loved seeing her brother find peace with the loss of their mother, but for her, she couldn't shake the memory of her mother embracing her in her arms and reminding Katsumi that she loved her. She could still feel her mothers blood, and the panic of riding in the ambulance. Their fathers love and attention never seem to reach her heart, and she slowly lost interest in anyone other than her twin brother.

So when Akito fell gravely ill, and needed someone to look after him, when he needed someone to be there for him; it only made sense to Katsumi to try and be the one to nurture him. If she couldn't save her mother, perhaps she could be there for him. Little did she know, that she, along side Yuki, would be Akito's center of attention for abuse.

Akito was smitten with Katsumi, as she grew into a young woman she became stunningly beautiful with long locks of golden hair, and large doe-like brown eyes. She was intellectually smart, skipping a grade and attending the same grade as the year of the cat, and the rat. Like Yuki, she was physically, mentally, and verbally abused by Akito, despite the family heads fondness towards her. Katsumi had no life besides school, and caring for Akito- having little contact with people besides those who visited the family head frequently.

She tried to have a positive attitude, throughout the years of trauma, but after years of being trapped in a dark, small room huddling to Yuki in fear- she had lost hope. Shigure retrieved Yuki from the ill treatment of Akito, leaving Katsumi behind to face the family head alone. Deprived of hope, and driven by despair, the young teen eventually fell silent, no longer uttering a single word to anyone.

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