Chapter 5

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The weekend was...eventful. Ember, not acting her usual self, hung out with Danny and wanted to know more of him. Of course, Danny often teased her and did everything he could to make her embarrassed. He also did some talking with Dani, getting her to open up to him. He was beginning to think of her as his blood daughter than his DNA clone or cousin. But it all came to an end as it was Monday morning and school was starting. Danny sighed in his seat at the desk and slouched down the chair, letting his head rest on the empty desk behind him. He hated Mondays and this was no different. Little did he know that today was going to be full of surprises.

A folder slapped his chest and he looked at the perpetrator. "Valerie, that was mean."

"Not as mean as you are Fenton." She laughed, sitting next to him. Danny gave her a wide grin and sat up, asking her about today's lesson. Girls came up and greeted him but he ignored them with a grunt. Tucker sat diagonally to him but was also ignored as always. Mr. Lancer walked in the room and quieted down the noise before doing his announcements

"Before we begin class today, there are three new students and they will be with us from now on. Be nice." He glared at anyone who wanted to be a smartass and called them in when no one spoke. Danny was taking out his notes when gasps made him look up. He stared at fiery green as they smirked at him.

"Well fancy meeting you here, baby pop." Ember grinned as she walked towards him. Everyone expected Danny to turn the new girl away but all he did was sit back and smirk dangerously.

"And I'm surprised to see you here Em, wanna learn something this time?" He asked teasingly. She scoffed and sat on his desk, leaning towards his face.

"Would you be the one teaching me?" She grinned back before hopping off the desk and sitting behind him. Danny's smirk widened and he moved to face her.

"If I teach you anything, you'd be stuck with me and I'll never let you leave." He snickered at her blush. Kitty and Johnny were in front of his desk. Kitty gave Danny a side hug. He and Johnny did a handshake before bumping fists. Everyone but Valerie were gawking at the display before Lancer cleared his throat and started class.

It was now lunch time and by then the new gossip ran through the whole school Everyone was talking about Danny's reaction with the new kids and some weren't happy about it. Danny's fan girls, Paulina, some of the jocks and Sam. She stabbed her fork in her veggie burger as she spotted Danny walking in the cafeteria with Valerie and Ember, his arms around their shoulders with Johnny and Kitty walking not too far behind them. Valerie moved from Danny's hold and went to grab lunch. The rest followed behind.

"So rock star, how you liking the human version of Casper High?" Danny asked, picking up a tray and getting his own food. Ember pouted at the loss of Danny's hold on her, she followed his example and took one burger and some fruits. Though the trio hit a snag when the lunch lady asked if they have paid or free lunch. Danny gave her a twenty and told her they were new. The lunch lady herself smiled kindly and patted Danny's cheek, shooing them off. Danny led them outside to his tree. Valerie was there waving them over. Kitty and Johnny were the first to reach her and sat down together with Kitty sitting in his lap.

"Well it's different of course because everyone is alive and not floating through walls but it's still the same at the same time," They laughed. After talking a few minutes they became accustomed to each other more than they did during the sleepover. That was until Sam dropped down before them, dragging a reluctant Tucker with her. She was sniliing brightly, but everyone can see it was forced. Ember scooted closer to Danny's side, glaring at them. She was itching to bring out her guitar and blast them back.

"Danny!" A voice squealed. Danny moved his stare to Paulina and watch as she ran towards him, arms wide. He turned intangible and moved to Ember's other side. His arm wrapped tight around her slim waist. Ember herself, wanted to turn to goo. But that was soon out of thought when a pair of slim arms wrapped around her neck. Her eyes widened when the Latina girl tried to kiss her. Her tamed hair started to flare out a little harsher.

"If you try and kiss me, I'll rip those lips off of you." She hissed menacingly. Danny's face was turned and he started snickering in his hand. Paulina looked mortified and scrambled off her lap with a blush, speed walking back to her table. Ember felt his body tremble and turned to glare at Danny next. He calmed down a little and turned back to Ember before laughing again at the glare directed at him. He clutched his stomach, letting out a belly laugh. Valerie smiled soft-heartedly. Danny has not laugh so freely since he broke up with Sam. The students outside glanced at him in awe. Ember was mesmerized. His laugh came from him was pure hearted. He chuckled, snickered and such but that was all. Danny calmed down some and pulled Ember closer, his other hand pinching her cheek.

"Aw, don't be mad Em, I'm sorry." He let a few chuckles when she puffed her cheeks out, giving him another glare. "How 'bout I take you out later, would you accept my apology?" He asked smiling widely, fangs bared. His eyes flashed red before returning to normal.

Ember turned her head, blushing slightly. Kitty and Valerie were giving her smug looks. 'Say yes already!' Kitty mouthed with a grin. Johnny shook his head. Ember's blush reddened more and she looked down, crossing her arms to keep herself together.

"Sure, baby pop. I'd like that." She whispered.

Sam, herself, was shocked this was happening. Her Danny, the one she driven away, had asked out another girl. She has tried everything to get back in his arms and nothing. But when a trio of evil ghosts come and one of them is all over him. She glared at Ember in a red haze. The green eyed monster reared its ugly head. She wanted Danny's eyes on her and her only. Her heart squeezed when he looked at Ember with a certain spark in his eyes. The way his arm was wrapped around her. They used to hold her like that. Her teeth gritted and her glare heightened. She will get Danny back, one way or another.

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