Chapter 3

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Danny took Dani to the park after the finished Skulker off.  He gave the thermos another shake before chuckling when he heard Skyler howling. Looking up at his daughter/cousin, he smiled when she flew around the obstacles. He sat back further on the bench and laid back, letting his head fall and closed his eyes. It wasn't a few minutes later when his ghost sense went off. Sluggishly he opened his eyes to find bright greens ones and inch from his.

"If you wanted to kiss me Ember, all you had to do was ask." He chuckled when she moved back quickly with a red tint to her cheeks.

"S-shut up dipstick! You're sister was getting worried that you didn't come home yet."

Humming, he got up and stretched, calling for Dani, he strolled up to Ember and toward over her. He leaned down and gave her a charming smile. "Glad to see that you care too Ember." She glared at him but he smiled more when her blush didn't fade. He felt the urge to touch her cheeks to see if her face was warm as she blushed. Before Ember knew it, he was caressing her cheeks. She almost let out a gasp when she felt electricity run through her. His hands were huge, they were rough too. But it felt soft. Her eyes connected with Danny's and she blushed more at the intensity of his gaze. His deep blue eyes were endless. She wanted to drown in them. She couldn't get a clear reading of what he was feeling through his eyes.


Ember jumped away as Dani floated by them. Danny chuckled lowly and looked at his cousin. "Time to go small fry."

"Aww," She pouted. Danny transformed, much to Ember's silent delight, and floated off the ground. He looked at Ember with mischievous red eyes and smirked.

"Can you keep up, One Hit Wonder." He grinned evilly when her green eyes flashed brightly and she growled at him. He pulled Dani in his arms and took off. A screaming pop star right behind them as she threw insults at his laughing back.

He made it to his home and turned intangible. Slipping in the kitchen, he placed Dani at the table and walked up behind his sister. He raised his hands and was about to scare her when she suddenly turned and held out a knife at him.

"Daniel Fenton, you know better." She scolded like a mother. He made himself visible and looked at her innocently.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Jazz."

"Mhm," She squinted her eyes at him and turned back to cutting the vegetables. 

"I'm gonna go get changed." He called as he left the kitchen and went up the stairs two at a time. When he opened the door to his old room, he stared impassively. There in the middle of his room, were Johnny, Kitty, Ember, Valerie,Sam, and Tucker. Kitty was struggling to hold Valerie back. Johnny was sholding Ember back and was trying to pull her away. Tucker was trying to calm Sam down but she had an angry yet righteous smirk on her face.

He stepped through the threshold and walked to Kitty and Valerie first. Stepping in front of the raging black female he come to love as his friend and sister, he bent down and looked in her cold black eyes, which softened when he came in her view. "Something wrong Lil' Bit?" He asked tilting his head. Kitty cautionly let her go when Danny nodded at her. Valerie rushed in his arms but looked around Danny and let out a growl. He sighed and picked up Valerie, grinning as she yelped then yelled at him to put her down, before depositing her on the bed. "We leaving after dinner." She calmed down some and went to his closet. He took out a duffle bag and grabbed some dark clothing. Looking at his audience, he raised an eyebrow and pointed at the door. One by one they left, but Sam lingered staring at him. He gazed back blankly and crossed his arms.

When she left, he ran a hand through his black hair in frustration and stalked off into the bathroom. Later on he was walking down the stairs and went into the kitchen before ducking back, a flying Johnny soaring over him.  He straightened up and looked at Ember with a raised eyebrow. She was huffing out of breath and Kitty was shaking her head.

Jazz danced up to her and gave him a large brown bag full of food before hugging him. "See you tomorrow Dan." He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before saluting to the rest. He turned around, only to be tackled by a small body. He looked down at Dani and blinked.

"What's up small fry?" He asked. 

She looked confused. "Where ya going Danny? Don't you live here?" She asked tilting her head to the side. He smiled and shook his head.

"Moved out months ago." He explained, bending down and picking her up with one arm. "Only Valerie and Jazz know where I live." She looked dejected. "But I can take you there small fry, if you're up to it." He chuckled when she nodded as quickly as she could. Valerie walked up to them, his and her backpack over her shoulder.

"Let's go Fenton. You promised we'd watch movies for the weekend."

He mentally smacked his forehead. He had forgotten about that little detail. An arm wrapped around his shoulder and Johnny was grinning at him. "I wanna see your place man."

Smirking, he nodded."Sure, that is, if you can keep up." 

Johnny scoffed and moved his arm off of his shoulders before going to Kitty. "With my bike, you'd have to worry or not whether would pass you." Shrugging, he nodded to the door. The three rogue ghost waved goodbye to Jazmine. Sam and Tucker, who'd been really quiet during the exchange, got up and followed them, copying their example only to be met with Jazz's cold shoulder.

Danny led them around the corner to a Black Benz. He only used it to travel from his place to here. Sure he could fly there but at times, he needed to relax and listen to some tunes. Dani jumped from his arm from where she was seated and flew to the front passenger side screaming, "Shotgun!" He opened the back door and held it open for Valerie then Ember. He closed it before Sam and Tucker could try to enter though. He eyeball them with a "are you serious?" face, before climbing in the driver's seat.

Johnny and Kitty pulled up next them. Starting the car, he put it in drive before puling away from the curve, speeding down the road with Johnny following them closely.

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