chapter 2

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"ahaha"= thoughts/ what they are thinking

"ahaha" = sign language

"ahaha" =writing

"Bye mom, Bye Drake" Liam said walking out his front door, his older sister already in her friend's car driving off, "hey babe" Liam froze at the voice, "ready to go?" Dave said lacing their fingers together "yes I am", they got into Dave's car, Liam sat there not moving and waits for Dave to do what he does, Dave leaned over strapping in Liam with the seat belt and placing his and on Liam's thick thigh and giving it a squeeze, smirked at drove off, "I promise, yesterday is the last time I hurt you like that, after school lets go out" Dave said smiling, Liam blushed looking at him "I can't, tonight, I have three to six detention, unless we go out at seven" Dave got angry for a bit then decided to ask, "why did you get three to six detention?" "I was late the entire of last week"Liam answered, The light turned green and drove off, "why were you late, were you ditching then changed your mind?" Dave asked "I wasn't feeling well" Liam answered quietly.

When they pulled up in the school's parking lot, Dave got out of the car without unbuckling Liam's seat belt, Liam sat there until the car door opened revealing Dave, Dave unbuckled Liam's seat belt and Liam got out of the car and was given Dave's bag to hold, Liam put both his bag and Dave's bag on his back as Dave stood infront of Liam with his back turned towards him, Dave then stooped down, "get on, I'm giving you a piggy back ride to class" Dave said waiting, Liam got onto Dave's back wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck, Dave stood up and ran full speed towards the school, Liam holding on laughing happily because he was having fun, and Dave was enjoying the sound of Liam's laughs, they ran through the halls with everyone watching them everyone knew Dave and Liam were dating, because other than Ryder Dave was the hottest guy in the school, he's also captain of the swim and soccer team everyone supported them.

"We have arrived at your destination M'lord" Dave said getting on one knee for Liam to get off, "Thank you good sir" Liam said bowing, he then returned Dave's bag, "would you like a token for your service?" Liam asked seductively, "what is this token?" Asked Dave, Liam walked up to his boyfriend placing a hand on his chest, Liam kissed the palm of his own hand then placed the palm that he onto Dave's cheek, "a kiss on the cheek" Liam smiled and Dave smirked placing a kiss on Liam's forehead, "see you later babe, love you" Dave said stepping away "love you too babe" Liam said before he walked into his class

Liam looked around is class and there is chaos Ryder was ontop of someone punching their face over and over again, Liam looked around for the teacher, then remembered that today was Thursday and that his Biology teacher wont be here today, Liam did what he thought he'd never do "RYDER GET OFF OF HIM NOW!" Liam yelled at Ryder, making everyone including Ryder freeze, Ryder got off of the guy and backed away from his keeping his eyes on the guy not looking too good stranger, Liam ran to the boy bumping into Ryder a bit, "someone call the nurse and an ambulance," Liam said trying to keep this young man's eye's open "hey, whats your name?" Liam asked the boy "E-ha" he replied before Liam snapped his jaw back in place"Ethan, right? what do you like to do?" he asked, snapping Ethan's shoulder back in place "I like games and guns" Ethan replied "whats your favorite gun?" Liam asked "the AK47 in the white light looks nice" Ethan replied "don't go there...thats where, bombs are, and if you go the guns will be gone" Liam said,Ethan eye's widen "no I don't want the guns to go" Ethan said crying a bit, 'why did Ryder beat this guy up?' Liam thought before,"Liam!" Marco yelled running towards him "I tried keeping him awake" "thats good,EVERYONE OUT LET THE MEDIC TEAM DO WHAT THEY NEED TO DO" and the medic team came in and did what they do.

"Ryder why would you bet him up...just because?RYDER YOU DON'T JUST ALMOST KILL SOMEONE "just because", you're lucky Liam was here to stop you and save Ethan, go thank him" Ryder just got scolded by his guardian and went over to Liam who's talking to the doctor, "he is in stable condition, thanks to you, you re located his shoulder and jaw, you also kept him awake, you aren't bad for a high school student" a woman said "thank you" Liam said before turning around to be met with Ryder's face"you really messed him up" Liam said quietly, Ryder looked down at Liam in silence "I'm sorry" Ryder signed, "You shouldn't be apologizing to me" Liam said quietly looking down, Ryder place his hands on Liam shoulders to make Liam look up, when Liam looked up Ryder removed his hands and signed "I'll say sorry to him tomorrow" Liam nodded and watch as Ryder signed "please, always look at me when we are having a conversation" Liam didn't understand exactly what Ryder signed but he put two and two together and got it, "I will, lets go to the nurses office to clean you up I don't think you want to see your dad right now" Liam said pointing at Marco who is glaring at Ryder from a far, "you are dead after school" Marco signed which made Ryder shudder in fear and his face filling with fear,"he's going to be here for a while talking to the other doctors and teachers" Liam giggled grabbing Ryder's bloody hand with his own bloody hand,"lets go" Liam said walking with Ryder hand in hand to the nurse's office.

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