Chapter 2

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"A werepa-"

"Yes, I heard you the first time. I've never heard of those before. Wow," She took a stool from somewhere under the bar and plopped herself on it, "I wasn't expecting that. I thought you were some type of witch mixed with something."

"Are you okay?" Kara's identity had never had this type of impact on someone. Lulu's eyes had gone from narrow slits to round in a second.

"I'm fine Sweetcheeks. I just need a drink." Or a shot. Kara thought as the human grabbed a glass and poured herself some Tequila, downing it quickly without so much as a grimace.

"You can call me Kara, not Sweetcheeks," she huffed out, placing one of her elbows on the bar and supporting her chin with a fist. Sweetcheeks is a horrible nickname.

"Why not? All my employees have a nickname." Lulu pinned her with a playful glare.

"I am not a Sweetch- wait, what did you say?"

"You heard me honey, nickname or no job. Which one will it be?" Lulu's trademark smirk was back on. She happily munched on cherries waiting for a reply. Who in their right state of mind denies an opportunity like that one?

"Okay, fine, I want the job but find another nickname. Sweetcheeks is atrocious." A disgruntled sound passed through her lips before tentatively throwing the question, "Why do I get the job?"

"For God's sake, you're a werepanther! Who knew those existed? I'll tell you who, no one. Anyways, you know how people have some sort of gut feeling?" Kara simply nodded.

"Well, my left tit tingles," Lulu states as a matter-of-fact, "I'll bet my left tit that tan and gorgeous ass belong to a little fiery Latina all bottled up. God, what wouldn't I do to have an ass like that... Anyways, back on track! I just know it and I like it. You won't be taking shit from no one. I could use a Latina in my team, you want in or you want out?" Lulu surprised her with a wink before cleaning her glass, "Would you like another drink?"

Kara really tried but she couldn't suppress the laughter that bubbled out. Who says that to a potential employee?

"Lulu you're insane!" she wiped away a stray tear from the corner of her eye while trying to calm her chuckles, "You do know you're generalizing Latinos? Not everyone has a tan or curves, and whatever else you're thinking about."

"Did I bet my left tit in vain?" Her arched eyebrow practically screamed 'don't mess with me'. I'll definitely have to find her off switch.


"Ha! This tit is never placed in vain," she pointed at what seemed to be B cups, "I have a vacant spot for waitressing. Training starts tomorrow at 1 PM, don't be late. Now, do you want anything else? Customers are starting to trickle in and this babe is in charge of pouring alcohol to their liver's pleasure, or would it be displeasure?"

Looking at her empty glass Kara decided on some much-needed nourishment, "Actually I'll have a burger with fries and a mojito."

"Right on it K-bear."

"I don't like K-bear either."

"You see? That Latina stubbornness is starting to show." With that, Lulu slapped the bar with a spare towel and left.

Kara didn't have to wait much before a waiter arrived with her order. As time passed, the busier the tavern became. The stage was kept empty, as well as the seats beside her while Lulu occupied herself serving drinks and chatting with other clients by the bar. The small human is completely insane, amusing too. With a boss like Lulu, what's not to expect? Loads of craziness were bound to fill Kara's days, she could feel it.

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