"That girl was rather cute wasn't she?" Nobunaga questioned as he nudged Feitan on the shoulder.

The black haired male scowled and pushed away the taller man, "I have no interest."

Franklin stayed silent and eyes the two males in a bored manner. Though secretly he was rather disturbed by Nobunaga's comment.

Machi was also disturbed though she didn't hide the fact. The obvious disgust showed on her face as she glared at the man who was dressed like a Samurai.

"Nobunaga you're being a pedophile much like Hisoka's now," the pink haired female scowled.

The males turned towards the female in question, "How is Hisoka a pedophile?"

Machi's nose wrinkled in disgust, "Don't you remember when I brought the information of the Kijime girl with Shalnark? Hisoka has a thing for a girl that can't be over 12."

All the males seemed to be slightly disturbed by the thought.

"But that girl looked like she was fifteen or something, so I'm not as bad as Hisoka," Nobunaga did a horrendous job trying to defend himself.

Feitan spoke in a bored manner, "I'm surprised a girl who looked like she couldn't even kill a bug was buying weapons though...." He recalled seeing the katana in her hand, "She didn't even have any aura surrounding her, a civilian."

The conversation about the silver haired female stopped as they grabbed the bullets Franklin needed.

The old man on the counter frowned slightly, but allowed the group of criminals to walk out of the store without paying.

He sighed, "I may as well shut this place down when I can't make money...."


I eventually found the Nostrade family Mansion after asking countless people on the street.

I stood in front of the mafia house's gate, examining the security. Hm, it's decent I guess.

A lot of dogs though...

With a small sigh, I jump over the fence and land on the ground with a light thud.

Immediately the dogs came running towards me, their teeth bared.

I gaze at them nonchalantly, "I'm not here to harm anyone, please back off..."

The dogs stop and look me with their round black eyes. One of them, the biggest of them all, crawls over to me, his ear and tail down.

'You won't hurt boss or us?' He questioned with a low whine.

I nodded and crouched down placing a gentle hand on his head, rubbing the back of his furry ear, "I don't know who your boss is, but I came to see a man who has blonde hair. His name is Kurapika, do you know him?"

The dogs all barked once, all of them yelling yes.

'He's one of the new body guard they hired!'

I nodded and smiled, "Thanks, can one of you go tell whoever is controlling you that I'm a guest of Kurapika?"

One of the small dogs took off, running into the mansion.

I on the other hand, sat down and called over the dogs. A giggle escaped my lips as they all ran over to me, their tongues rolling out of their mouth.

Some of them laid their heads on my laps as they whined for attention. Smiling to myself I petted them, making sure each of them got some attention.