Saragon Chapter Six

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"Where are those two" Anne said, finishing up the dishes.

"Anne don't start" Parr groaned.

"Yeah for real or I swear i'll knock some sense into you" Anna rolled her eyes.

Kat chuckled at her friends. "Why do you care anyways, do you wanna watch?" Kat let out a much louder laugh along with the other two queens.

"Oh shut up, what could they possibly be doing anyways, they weren't shagging before, Aragon probably got her to watch some movie about god or something" Anne snickered, checking out her nails.

"Anne are you stupid." Anna flat out said, now looking at the queens.

Anne looked at her angrily.

"Shhhh" Anna said, then all the queens went quiet, even the tv that was playing was shut off.

"All I hear is the shower running and-" Anne stopped in her tracks.

A faint "Oh god, Catherine!" stiffled moaning followed.

"What were you saying" Anna chuckled, Parr and Kat gagging and proceeding to blast the tv at full volume.

"That was disgusting" Anne flushed and crossed her arms, going to sit next to Parr.

As Netflix played on Anne spoke up again, "can't we watch something else, The Vampire Diaries has like a million seasons!"

"No" Anna rolled her eyes again at Anne.

"We like it" Kat leaned into Annas arms.

"It honestly has a good storyline" Kat said; making Anne stare at her in disbelief.

"You're just annoyed Jane embaressed you" Kat sighed "because you've watched this show with us before".

Anne flushed "N-no!"

Just then footsteps were heard, down came Catherine and Jane, Jane adorning a pair of sleeping shorts and a sweater.

"Hey guys" Jane smiled.

"Catherine you weren't wearing that jumper before" Anna chuckled.

"Oh yeah! it's Janes" Catherine smiled proudly, showing off the random white Champion jumper that Jane had given to her.

Janes excuse being "it's chilly and I wanted her to be warm".

"Then why are you wearing shorts" Kat giggled.

Jane flushed and said nothing.

"Aw guys don't make fun" Catherine chuckled, hugging Jane from behind.

"I wanted to wear it none the less" Catherine smiled brightly.

"We are all glad you are very happy, now can we finish watching The Vampire Diaries, thanks" Anna faked being annoyed.

"We really are happy you guys finally got, erm, together" Parr smiled.

"Hm I suppose shes right" Anne rolled her eyes.

Jane and Catherine shared a light kiss before going on the sofa with the others, a content mood in the room.

"Ooh can someone make popcorn" Anne said excitingly.

The rest of the queens groned at her.


a short one because im so excited this has been growing.

im thinking of making an instagram, i already have a tumblr.

would you follow?


please leave comments for recomendations, unless you all want this to continue being a saragon fic.

or leave comments in general, i love seeing what you all have to say

much love

~ S

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