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Dakoty's POV

When we leave the mall and get home, I ask, "Can I take the car to go to my house and go get all my stuff, cause if i don't my dad will sell it....."

"Of couse you can Dakota, do you want me to go with you?" Eli asks.

"No thanks I'll be fine." I say and Oli throws me the keys.

I get in the car and put on Gold by Sleeping with sirens on. As I pull into the driveway, I take a deep breathe and hope my dad isn't in the house.
I walk in and see a glass beer bottle fly passed my face and break on the wall.

"Why the fuck are you here little fucking bitch?" I hear my dad yell as he walks in the living room.

"To get my stuff faggot..." I say under my breath.

"The fuck did you just call me you fucking self-fish, slutty, whore I have as a daughter!!!" He yells as he walks towards me, slaps me and grabs my arm. "Rememeber what we did sweet girl?" He says with a evil smirk.

"Yes and that ruined my fucking childhood, NOW LET ME THE FUCK GO!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as i feel like crying just of thinking of it.

"No, I will never let go, You're my fucking daughter, and you'll do as I fucking say, you fucking whore!" He says and he tightens his grip on my arm and force kisses me.

I try so hard to get away and just run but he keeps tightining his gip and kissing me. I try swinging and screaming and it still doesn't work. He starts to take my clothes off and kissing my neck.

"You're a fucking pedophial!!!!" I scream as he beats me and drags me by my hair to my room. Tears form in my eyes and I just break.

"Shut the fuck up hoe. You're fine I'm not hurting you am I? Oh is your little gay emo faggot as a boyfriend going to come save you? Ha ha it's funny really, you think he loves you, you think he means it when he says you're beautiful, sweet, and caring? HAHA bitch you're a emo freak just like your brother!!!" He says as he gets up grabs my blades and lighter and starts burning me and cutting me with it.

Tears stream down my face more and more. He grabs a rope and ties my hands to the bed. He gets up and turns on the water and when I look up its steaming hot water. I'm thinking "Hot water makes you bleed faster..." I look down and see how many cuts are all over me.

Authers Note

I'm sorry guys that I haven't updated in a whle I've been pretty busy.... and this chapter is pretty short but it eill get updated probally 2 more times this week. So if yall have some ideas feel free to message me them and i will read them and see whos I will pick. Like aways I love yall guys and thanks.

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