The Mall!

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Dakota's POV

We all make our way to the car and pile in. "So what song shall we listen to?!" Blake asked when me and him fought for the front, and of course I won. "Let's Cheers to this by Sleeping With Sierns!" I yell and the guys agree and i play it and we all bust out singing till we get to the mall. Oli and Jamie push eachother out of the car and then starts arguing about who gets front next. "Guys! Just shut the fuck up! We will figure out who gets it when we get done shopping and shit." Jacob said as we walk into Rue 21. We all buy atleast some clothes in there. Blake bought a I heart boobies belt, and a couple of shirts. Jacob got a galaxy belt and so did Oli and Eli. Jamie and Tony bought a black bennie and three shirts. I bought a new dress and a necklace and some shoes. "Hot Topic time!" We yell as we all run our asses to the store. "DAKOTA!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and see my brother behind me. "Josh.?!" I say more in question. He runs up and hugs me really tight and let's go. "How have you been beautiful?" He asks. "Really good these guys are my friends and this is my boyfriend Eli." I say pointing to all of them and I see Eli look like he's mad. "Eli this is my brother Josh, and Josh this is my boyfriend Eli." I say so he can understand who Josh is. "Nice to meat you Josh." "Same to you too my friend."

Eli's POV

when I met her brother I thought I was going to die. I thought it was one of her exes or another guy that was hitting on her, I was about to beat his ass until she said he's my brother.

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