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So here I'm going to log all my current goals and info

Weight-99.9 lbs
Waist 24'
Curly hair
Pale skin
Spotted sorta acne face allot of acne scars
❤️I want to Gavin weight at least to 110-120
❤️Fix up my hair so it's healthier and shiny
❤️Fix my skin
❤️Eat healthier
❤️Drink more water
❤️ Self love and confidence
Remember you can always add more to your goals or less just don't give up on them

So those are my goals I've always struggled with my weight as I was always too skinny and gaining weight was chalmeging j had anorexia for a while this year from a random stomach pain that caused me to not eat. It was very challenging and now I'm better but I still eat to little. So that's my goal.

I also want TK be more fit and in shape. In in general a but weak and I don't like the stigma around me from my friends

I recently cut off all my damaged from bleach ends of my curly hair that it's short and flat now. So iw ant to work on constant masks and plain hair care so I'll aslo add soem tips of how to care for your curly hair here too

My skin always struggled I don't have major acne bit I do have uneven texture that I'm going to try to fix over this time

Eating healthy and drinking more water is very important that I need to obviosly work on more for personal and plain reasons

And of course self love and confidence. I am a pretty in general happy person and and happy withmysefk but I do have the off days often were I absolutely despise Evey little thing about me it's like a switch in my head. So I'm going to try to work on that's and I feel like it's going to be the longest one out of all but it's fine.

Overall I hope you stick around for my journey I'll try to update as much as possible probably around every twice a week for this book or oonce a week we'll see!

(377 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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