The Worst Day of My Life

Start from the beginning

And then there's another horrible factor that comes into play every time I step into this damn place. Him.

"So I take it things didn't go so well with Tammy?" And there he is, right on cue. Mike Tamer. The guy who dated and loved me for a precious three years of my life. And then he chewed me up and spit me out three months ago for a new woman, who he proposed to not too long ago. He is the definition of a thorn in a rose, and a pain in my ass.

I grimaced in his direction. "It never goes well with Tammy."

"Right, right." There he goes once again. Brushing me off like I hadn't even said anything. The bastard. "So uh, Marie, listen. I'm having a . . . small get together and I'm inviting all of the staff. I was just wondering if you wanted to come?" he asked. "It's kind of a celebration for my engagement and I'd really like it if you could be there."

Are you kidding me? Is he seriously inviting me, his ex-girlfriend, to an engagement party that doesn't involve me as the bride? Does he really expect me to 'celebrate?' What is wrong with him?

"Sorry, I'm already booked," I answer, prepared to turn away coolly.

"But I didn't even tell you when it is yet," Mike replies, cutting my what I thought was a cool response into pieces. I can't answer him and instead, my eyes dart to the floor as blood rushes to my cheeks.  "Marie," he continues, as he walks across the space of the hallway. He places his hand on my shoulder. "I know we broke up, but it doesn't have to be awkward between us anymore. We've both moved on, right?"

I look at his hand, then up at him, my eyes burning with fire. He removes his hand quickly. "Right."

He smiles and starts walking back towards his room. "Okay, so I'll see you there?"

"We'll see."

I plop back down in the seat in my room while I wait for lunch hour to finish.

I plop back down in the seat in my room while I wait for lunch hour to finish

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"Wait, mom, what do you mean? Slow down so I can understand you." I try to speak rationally over the phone as I steer my car into the driveway.

"Your dad. He's done it again! That rotten bastard! He's always got to do this! The man makes me mad Marie," she screams. Even with the phone on speaker it still hurts my ears. "Sometimes I wish I'd never met the man, let alone married. I mean, what on earth was I thinking when I said 'I do' at the altar?" I can hear her tongue snapping at the back of her throat as I turn the engine off and grab my things from the passenger seat. Opening the car door, I try to balance all the bags and boxes in my hands as I get out of the car. "I mean, I was already pregnant with you! Why the hell did I need to marry him? I brought not only me but you into his train wreck of a life. My poor baby. I'm so sorry you had to have a father like that! His drunk ass don't deserve nobody!"

"Just relax mom. In a couple of hours, I can promise you that it'll wear off and he'll go back to being himself again and you'll go back to being happy. You love him and he loves you, and there's absolutely nothing that can change that. That's how it always works," I tell her, like I've always told her.

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