"Yes, it is. I brought up something awful from your past, Lou. That's not something you do, really."

He looked up at me. "It's okay, Harry. It's just that, sometimes I feel so vulnerable about that subject."

I nodded understanding. "I can understand that. But know that you can always come and talk to me if there's something on your mind. Always know that," I said sincerely.

He smiled at me and laughed. He stood up and waved me in for a hug. I laughed at him, and hugged him.

"You smell really good," I said jokingly.

"Oh, sod off," he said and ruffled my hair, laughing.


"So did you guys make up?" Niall said eagerly from the kitchen, stuffing nandos food in his mouth.

"Course we did," I answered and smiled at Louis.

He gave me a smile back and patted me on the back.

"Anyone up for a movie tonight?" Zayn asked.

All of the boys said yes besides me. I planned spending some time with Lucy. It had been a while since the last time we were together. Of course, I had talked to her about it this morning and we made a deal. Ms. Dalaria was never home now'a days, so we had plenty of time when the boys were out. Which they were tonight, so it was perfect.

"I can't. Me and Lucy are gonna spend some time together tonight," I said and smirked. I couldn't help but smile eveytime I mentioned her name. Lucy looked at me and blushed. I heard some whistling from the boys. Such teenagers. I realised that that smirk at the end might have seemed a little pervy, so no wonder they whistled.

"Oh, bugger off," I said, laughing at the boys.

I could hear Lucy giggling as always from the kitchen. I looked over to Louis. He wasn't laughing and whistling. He just stood there. Without a smile on his face. Not even a little smirk in the corner of his mouth.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, boys, and you guys can check what movies are on tonight," he said. The boys nodded at him and kept laughing about something. I didn't. There was something on Louis' mind that I needed to get to the bottom of.

I heard the shower water from the bathroom pouring down. I knocked. "Louis?" I knocked again. "Lou!"

The water stopped running. "What?"

I hadn't really planned what to say yet, so I just went with something.

"Are you okay, pal?" I asked.

"You decided to ask me that while I was in the shower?" he answered and laughed.

I laughed back and realised that he was right. It was kind of a bad timing. "Well, you just seemed a bit sad back there, so I wanted to check up on you."

I could hear him chuckling. "I'm fine, Harry. You don't have to worry about me. Really," he said.

I nodded, and then I realised he couldn't see me. "Okay, then. Enjoy your shower!" I walked down again to the livingroom, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something wrong with Louis.

The boys had taken off to Sophia's place to watch a movie, so I and Lucy were left here. She was adorable that night. Her hair was put up in a messy bun and she was wearing all cozy clothes.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" she asked. I smiled at her softly.

"Because you're adorable."

She blushed and smiled at me. "Stop it."


"Making me blush all the time. It's annoying." She laughed.

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