Chapter 21

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The sun was barely up when the horns sounded. The armies ran at each other. Rowan led his wife's army. 

The night had been nonstop planning. If Anielle fell now, there wouldn't be enough soldiers in the kingdom to stop what came next. If Erawan controlled the last flame in a sea of darkness, no being would hesitate to bow to him. If they did, they would die. 

Rowan killed and killed, for his queen, his carranam, his mate. His Fireheart. He would let no one hurt her. He would not lose her. 

The armies fought until the sky was red with blood, until it was positive the ground wouldn't wield vegetation for years. It began to rain, and the blood became small streams, and no one saw a hint of Maeve's dark magic. Never did Erawan come out. It was silent on that side. 


Amren stood protectively at Aelin's side. With her powers back, the flames didn't faze her. Cassian flew above, the only two who could be here right now. 

The leaves were waving calmly in the breeze, then stopped. The birds were singing softly, then quieted. Cassian was flying in circles, but his head now snapped to one spot of the woods, only his wings moving. 

There was a laugh, pure evil, but very familiar to Amren. She could make a similar noise if she wanted to. 

"Sister," The voice came. "What are you doing?" 

Amren looked around, but could not see her. The voice echoed across the clearing. 

"Step away from my prize please. I've already won the battle." 

Maeve didn't seem fazed when Amren didn't answer. 

"I have double the power since I defeated you. Do you really want to do this?" 

The demon queen stepped out from the trees. Cassian dived for her, but she didn't even glance his way. with a snap of her fingers, he was on the ground, his wings broken. Amren didn't dare move to help. 

The sisters stepped forward. 

"It's been a while." Amren said. 

"Yes," Maeve said, almost mournfully. "You've changed a lot in that time. I'm sorry those weak fae got to you. You would've been a great empress when mother died.

Amren snarled. "In case you didn't remember, she is dead. You killed her yourself. I am empress." 

Maeve shook her head. "Why, then dear, do you think you were able to leave? You know the empress can't leave until she has found her emperor to help." 

Amren looked away. Maeve used her magic to make her look back. "I see now. You found that outcast. But that would dishonor the whole family if you were to wed him."

Amren growled. "You banished him without bringing him to me first. You did it on purpose. You knew I planned to marry him, and you did this because you didn't want me to leave." 

"Why would ever wish to leave? We had a strong kingdom, held together by the blood of those who disobeyed us. You yourself killed. You banished. You ruled. But now I have your rule." 

"Then pray tell, how did you end up here? You left Orcus, abandoning him. He is no longer your emperor." Amren said back. She kept her focus on the queen behind her.

"That is why I'll use you. I cannot get back to that world without more power. I can't rule there without it. So I'll kill you, and take your power that you've been harvesting for years." Maeve lunged for Amren's throat.

She gasped a withdrew her hand. There was a fire wall between the two sisters. Maeve's face changed quickly from knowing smile to dread as she slowly looked up, to see Aelin standing. 

The firebreather's eyes were glowing with the power of a god. She was engulfed in flames. 

at the castle, every torch and lamp went out. On the battle field, even the humans felt the shift of power. The demons stood still, unsure of what to do. Their king wasn't giving them orders now. 

Maeve stumbled a few steps back. 

"I think I've had enough talking for one day." Aelin said. Her voice was low, but commanded respect to anyone who heard her. Her fiery eyes glanced at Cassian, and his wings snapped back into place, He rose and stood by his queen's side. 

Because it didn't matter who your allegiances were to before, when this queen commanded, you listened as if she'd been your queen for centuries. 

Maeve looked around, seeing that she was defeated.

"I haven't forgotten  my promise, sister! I'll make good on it someday." She hissed, and turned into dust. 


Rowan was on the battlefield. Everyone had stopped moving when the wave of power swept through. He knew it was Aelin, but knew she wanted him to stay here. Then he saw her. Her light brighter than the setting sun. She was clothed in a dress of literal flames. She looked straight ahead as she walked through each rank of the armies. As she passed, demons burned to ash. When another wave of her power came, every creature on the field came to their knees. Except Rowan and Aelin. Twin crowns of fire burned on their heads. 

Rowan joined his queen and escorted her to the center of the field. She didn't even speak, as her intents were understood. Her powers allowed anyone who needed to know of her plan. 

Every demon on the field was now ash. Then Aelin's flames disappeared and she collapsed into her mate's arms.


3 hours later 

People were still running around, trying to get everything together. Aelin was sleeping, her burst of power having drained her. But she wasn't even close to a burnout yet. Her powers had increased since her Settling. 

The guards spotted something flying in the air. It came directly for the castle. 

Azriel ran out with Cassian and Amren. A wyvern landed. The witch that got down was pale skinned and freckled, with braided back golden hair. She had a Cloak of Midnight blue and a worn leather band across her forehead. 

"I've come to meet with queen Aelin. Manon sent me." 

The witch glanced at Azriel and they jumped. 

No way. Azriel thought. No way she could be the one. 


A/N Hey guys! small cliffhanger here. I'm slowly revealing the past of our characters. Not the past we were given, but deeper. The reason for their histories. I love the moments in books when another piece of the puzzle suddenly fits. 

Below is the dress Aelin made of fire, though hers was actual flames instead of fabric. (Sorry it's not the best picture

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If you liked this, please vote and/or comment! I just reached 1,000 reads on this little fanfic. And thanks to Aneeeliiiii, I now have 53 votes. Once again, may not be a lot to some of you, but it certainly means a lot to me. 

Also, I have a few stories that I created that aren't fanfic if you're interested. The one I'll probably be updating most often is Broken and Breaking. 

Thank you! 

- Z03Johnson 

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