Chapter 3

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Rowan stared at the tent flap as if she would walk through at any moment. As if she wasn't gone forever. Just hours ago, they'd walked through those with the intent of paying the price, but they never really thought about what would happen if Aelin didn't make it. 

When he and Dorian had finally managed to stumble back between the rows of tents and stirring soldiers, Rowan had been in a daze. 

When Dorian was able to get the terrible words out, all Hel broke loose. The news spread around camp like the fire of the one they were discussing. 

Aelin Galathynius was dead. She had paid the horrible price. She just never considered what would happen if it took her life. 

 Rowan had flown off, not waiting to hear anymore. His mate was dead, again, and he was left alone. 

Why did you do this, my love? Didn't you know how much I needed you? 


Aelin stared out the window and listened to the debate. 

It wasn't very hard to hear what they were saying. 

After giving them all the information they needed, they had run out and were now debating the next course of action. they had discovered the books were written by a suriel, apparently a creature that knew everything of the past and future. Also of other realms. Now conversation was raging. Rhysand was indeed a hopeless romantic and was furious now that Aelin and Rowan were separated. Feyre also was angry about this, but managed to keep it repressed. As far as Aelin could tell, there were two males and three females she hadn't met, and they were all yelling or whispering at times. 

Aelin ran to the bathroom adjoining her room. Lately, she kept feeling nauseous. It was probably the different air here. It was a lot cleaner, and it did her a lot of good. After learning what kind of powers Aelin had, Feyre had immediately seen to it she got a new room with a fireplace to help her control the sudden urge to burn everything around her. Aelin's powers were fully returned, but it wouldn't have if she had made it back to her own world. 

The yelling could still be heard. Aelin just wished she could be with her mate right now. He knew how to calm her down. Aelin stopped thinking about him. It only made everything worse. 

The door opened. It was Feyre. She sighed when she saw the tears on Aelin's cheeks, and sat down on the bed next to her. 

"About a century ago, I was taken forcefully from Rhys. I was forced to live in another's house and pretend to love him instead. I tried to communicate with Rhys through the bond, but it was weak. It was really hard. I missed him. I can't imagine not even being able to do that, but I do understand. I'm so sorry. About everything that's happened." Aedlin nodded.

"This place is more welcoming than I would have thought, really, I just wish I could go home. And I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with my emotions lately, I think it's because the bond is broken." 

"I understand if you need anything at all. We've decided you're trustworthy enough to let you go anywhere you wish in Velaris. We haven't figured out how to get you home yet, but as soon as we do, I promise it will be done." Aelin smiled. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I promise I won't cause any harm." Feyre  got up and was about to leave, but then turned around. 

"Oh, there's one catch. You have to keep your shields down so Rhys will know your intentions at all times." Aelin didn't really like this, but she supposed it was fair. 

"I agree. Thank you again." Feyre nodded and left. 


Velaris was beautiful. There were still children laughing and playing in the streets, and all the shops were open. Window displays showed elegant dresses, paintings, and food. Aelin had found multiple bookstores and now had a stack of books sitting in the House of Wind waiting to be read. Aelin was genuinely happy. 

This wasn't a war ravaged land. It hadn't been for a long time. Aelin felt guilty that she was so happy here, didn't have to worry about sacrificing herself or pleasing the other important figures. She was finally just another face in the crowd, not the young fireheart princess, not Arobynn's prize pupil, or the King's champion. Not the queen, or the gods-blessed. Not a sacrifice. A human being. Well, not human. Fae. 

Mor winnowed in front of her, making her jump. She smiled, and grabbed Aelin's arm. 

"We found something!" And she winnowed. 

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