Chapter 17

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A/N I want to remind you I didn't follow the script perfectly, so where in the books, the gods weren't dealt with until after Anielle, here they were taken care of before. Enjoy. And again, Victoria Carbol is an amazing singer and song writer with much of her music inspired by SJM's books. You can find her on Spotify or on Youtube as Inquillery. 

Aelin grinned as she looked out from between the trees. Day was swiftly approaching, and the demon army was preparing to end Anielle. Somewhere inside the distant town were half of her court, as well as Dorian's. She smelled him before she heard him. 

"I don't trust the High Lord of Spring. He's planning something," Rowan said. 

"He owed me a favor, and had some soldiers. We need any help we can get you have to admit." 

"Just be careful around him. I just got you back. I plan to keep you here." 

"Overbearing fae bastard," She muttered. 

The horns blew then, and the demon army began to march. 

It begins, thought Aelin, and she turned to command her army. 


Chaol looked down to the battlefield. It ends today. Anielle would be first to fall. Queen Aelin's army was here, but she was not. Something had happened, something her Fae followers would not speak of. 

So today they fell, tomorrow Orynth, and in months the world will belong to the demons. His beloved wife would never give birth to their child, he would never build them a home and raise a family. Everything was lost. 

The horns blew, and the demon army began it's march. 

And a column of fire rose from the distant trees. Then another in the middle of the army. As a figure appeared, engulfed in flame, and began to slay monsters. There was only one person that could be, with a hawk flying in to help. 

Aelin Ashryver Galathynius had come to help. 


The wings erupted from her back as she winnowed into the midst of the demons. She was safe in her cocoon of fire. Monster after monster was cut down, and as her mate appeared, they created a clearing. Another horn blew, and out of the trees came the army. 

Rhys led his section, taking to the sky. Feyre flew at his side. Their Illyrians, close behind, were not slowed by the enraged flood of enemies. The armies of Anielle, now with renewed courage, also charged, and the army was surrounded on all sides, by either foe or dam.

 Rukhin from above shoot arrows, but the truest shot reveals Nesryn to be one of them. 

Aelin turned just in time to see what Feyre was facing. A man with a collar on his neck. But he wasn't fazed by her fire. The deomns had found some way to fight it. 

Rhys was on the other aside of the battlefield, everyone too far away to save her. Except one. The one person who would leave her there. 


Feyre attempted to fry the demon and move on, but he wasn't moving. It wasn't working. Looking for help, she saw none would be coming. 

Praying her daughter would forgive her for leaving, she braced for death. The demon swung his sword down, and Feyre closed her eyes... 

but the blow didn't come. Opening her eyes, she saw why. The person in front of her. The sword protruding through his chest. 


She dropped to her knees beside him, amazed.

"In my pocket-" Where the only words he said with his last breath, except for one whispered name. "Cicily." 

Rhys was at Feyre;'s side immediately, checking her for injuries. "Don't die again. Aelie still needs you." He nodded respectfully to the dead High Lord before joining the battle again. It would be hard for him to give any more respect to the man who was so horrid to his mate. But Feyre looked in his pocket, saw the folded paper, and put it in her pocket to look at later. 


The battle was nearly over. The demons were taken by surprise in the beginning, and it had cost them. Aelin's armies were nearly at the gates now. Tamlin was dead, but no other High Lords were severely injured. Goes to show how much better they were. 

Then the call went out. The demons had cracked the dam. It would fail any minute. And there wasn't enough room in Anielle for all the armies. Mortal selfish men rushed for the gates, seeking the limited refuge. Even that wouldn't be enough. Aelin's power wasn't at all depleted, but she could hold back that much water. But she did have five high lords who were under her command. She turned to them now. 

"If we fall here, the demons have won. we need a wall to keep the water back." 

The High Lords wasted no time using their powers, putting up shields around Anielle.

Aelin looked to her mate. 

"Together?" She asked, cutting her palm. 

"Together" he echoed, mirroring her actions. Joining hands, powers, they sent their own shield up, and the twilight sky shone with magic. It became dark as midnight for seconds, thanks to Feyre and Rhys. It began to snow as Kallias added his power to Rowan's similar one. The only way to tell them apart was the gleam of fire in one. Beron's fire burned separately, dimmer. Even with his sons, he was much less powerful than a firebreathing queen. 

The floods were unleashed by the collapsing dam, and it first greeted ice. The battlefield was silent except for the roar of the water. But one shield can't stay forever against a force that powerful. Kalias collapsed as his powers ran out. 

The waves next hit Beron, and he failed quicker. as he fell, his sons caught him, pulling him back into the crowds locked out of Anielle. 

Thesan was next, failing as well. 

Helion fell, and still the waters came. Though lessened, they'd been held back for a hundred years. 

Feyre and Rhys held out, until people began to think it would be extinguished. But even Feyre's combined powers could not stop the flood, and they collapsed into each other's arms. 

only Aelin and Rowan remained. They stood steady as their wall was hit, plunging into their powers. The most powerful monarchs seen since the time of Mala firebringer. All on the battlefield and in the castle could feel the enormous powers. The remaining demons, attempting to run, dropped under the weight of it. Then the men on the field were forced down.  


Maeve was smiling cruelly to herself in her tent. Onrynth wasn't far away and Aelin Fireblessed was dead. 

Suddenly the camp went silent. Quickly. Like a wave. It reached Maeve as she attempted to stand, knocking her into her chair. 

No. No. Such power could only come from one person, but she was DEAD. Wasn't she? Aelin Fireblessed could not be still alive. This could not be allowed. 

Such power could not be allowed to live. 

She will die. No matter the cost. 


The last of the wave evaporated, and the last two people standing fell. But the water was gone, as if it never exsisted. And Anielle was safe. Aelin breathed a sigh of relief that lasted only seconds. A flash of Maeve's angry face flshed across her mind. Murder was in the demon's eyes. 

And Aelin blacked out hearing the echoing words in her head. 

You and your whole family are dead, Fireblessed. 

A Court of Fear and LongingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora