Chapter 16

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A/N I'm very sorry it has taken this long to update. I had a small case of writer's block. I'm here now, and pretty much over it, but this chapter might not be as good as others have been. I you like Harry Potter, you should check out my new story, A Puff Life, about a Hufflepuff's time at Hogwarts. That's all. 

Aelin looked up at the winter sun as they stepped out of the tent. The camp was alive with activity, Illyrians wrestling in the rings they'd set up while Tamlin's few soldiers shivered from the cold. It wasn't even that cold out. 

She breathed in the smell of pine and snow. Either the natural smell, or the smell of her mate, standing protectively next to her. Aelin made her way to the night court tent, where her friends would be. 

Stepping in, she saw Cassian, Rhys, Az, and-

"Feyre!" Aelin gasped. "what are you doing here?" 

The high lady turned around, Aelie in her arms. 

"I couldn't let the boys have all the fun. Plus, Amren didn't need help keeping Prythian safe." 

"Well," Aelin walked over and took Aelie out of Feyre's arms. "Rowan, meet your goddaughter." He smiled. Aelin placed her carefully in his arms and turned to look at the court again. 

"You didn't all have to come." 

Mor stepped forward. "We wanted to help our friend. But you should tell us how you got all the courts to bow to you." 

Aelin shook her head. "That's a series of very long stories for another time. Right now, we kind of need a game plan. Rowan, what's the latest in this world?" 

Rowan stepped forward. "The army is in Anielle, hoping to hold off one of Erawan's armies there. No news from Terrasen or anywhere else. Our army will lose if they have to fight without us." 

Aelin sat. "So we go to Anielle and hope we're not too late?" 

Rhys spoke. "If we come up behind Erawan's armies, then wait for them to attack, we can have them surrounded. It wouldn't be long before we cut them down, with minimal casualties." 

The court quickly agreed, and the meeting adjourned very quickly. This was a court that didn't argue and fight- the kind of court Terrasen was famous for before it fell. 

Rhysand and Aelin didn't move, though. They were having a conversation in their heads, one Aelin made sure to block Rowan from now that their bond had returned. 

Aelin, I heard that. Stop making stupid plans to sacrifice yourself! Honestly, how many times have you almost died?! 

Well, there was that time I almost fell off a cliff when I was five, then there was when I technically did die, in that river when I was eight, I think I was sixteen when I almost drowned in the sewers, then all those times when I was almost caught killing people, not to mention Endovier, then Cain almost killed me, my best friend died and I was almost sent to another world, demons were after me, I fought with a witch- good person once you get to know her- my mate took an arrow for me, ah, can't forget the time when a god took control of me or a demon queen tortured me for information!  

Not in the mood Aelin. If anyone's going to sacrifice, it's going to be me. Then I'll be resurrected and we'll all live happily ever after. 

Yeah, no. This is my world, and you have a family. What will Feyre do if you die? 

What will Rowan do if you die? Again? 

you know what, just get out of my head Rhys. 


"Hello fae buzzard," Aelin said, walking out of the tent. She may have lost everything else, but she'd keep her sense of humor for as long as possible. "You have a lot to catch up on. For example, Amren -who really should have come- is a demon empress, you're technically an uncle now, the walking dead is a lot more sinister than we thought, and you need to put up a mental shield. Also, I can grow wings when provoked..." 

A/N Hope this chapter was ok! Two recommendations for you: First, there's a card game called Embers of Memory based off of Throne of Glass. I have not personally played it, because I don't have any close friends to have read these books, but it's probably really good.

 Second recommendation is a great trilogy I read called The Testing. It's set in it is set in this world after a huge war, and follows Malencia Vale. It has a Hunger Games theme to it. You can find it for free on, that I've mentioned before. 

That's all, fellow Maasians. 

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