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"Lunch!" a knock on the door woke him up from his deep slumber.


He'd slept one full hour.And yet the unrest and lathargy in his body was never gone.

He pushed the covers away grunting and with a grumpy head went in the washroom to wash his face.

In the mirror reflection he saw he was still in his morning office attire.

Just that it was crumpled and messier than earlier as he had slept in the same clothes.

He came out from the washroom wiping his face woth a towel and checked for clothes in the wardrobe.

When Zara had disappeared earlier after hearing that he was gonna stay for atleast a week here,she had stacked a bunch of Zayd's clothes in the cupboard.

So many that they could last a month atleast.

Most of them were trousers,trackpants, some jeans,basic shirts,sweat shirts etc etc.

But apart from the folded clothes that filled the compartments below,a wierdly packed plastic package which had a curious colour that resembled Aurora was kept in one corner.

At first,the peculiar colour of the package was so attractive that almost immediately he touched the packet.

Although,when he tried to remove it out from where it had been kept,it wouldn't even budge.

Then at the bottom of the package he found a squized note.

Pulling out the paper he read: 'DO NOT OPEN UNLESS...☆'

''Do not open unless what?...a star?!"he wondered aloud.

The note he had just removed from under the package was soft as velvet even though it looked like paper.


Looking at the clock he thought he should join the Khans for lunch soon.

So he crumpled the piece,which was odd because despite of its softness it made a crumpling noise & threw it into the waste bin placed in the bathroom.

Forgetting about the weird package,he came out closing the door but heard some wierd noise from inside the bathroom.

He went back in to check where it came from.


But as his eyes fell on the waste bin which had been empty before he threw the note in it still apeared empty.

''What!? but I can swear I threw it right in here." he spoke gazing at the bin confusedly.

'Ugh...I must be really tired if I'm having Halucinations now!' he thought.

Quickly changing into a black trouser and dark blue sweatshirt which he chose because of the cold windy climate,he smoothed his ruffled hair and hurried downstairs.

Downstairs,Aliyah was sitting on a kitchen stool wearing a black hoodie and jean shorts typing furiously on her phone.

Zayd had just come into the kitchen yet yawning and wearing a grey poloneck.Underneath he wore a loose navy blue jeans.

Zara who had started placing the food and drinks on table was in her same morning attire.A black elbow length t-shirt and a skin tight grey jeans.

All of them looked a bit tired,the weather itself was proving it rather.

The rain had slowed down a bit but the winds were blowing at an even higher speed which told that a storm was near.

"Damn...the weather's so lathargic.Its so cold and cozy.I feel like curling up in bed under a thick blanket."Zayd spoke as both he and Aslan sat themselves on the dinning stools.

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