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He woke up at what seemed to be 8:00 am in the morning.
Only 5 hours of sleep.

As it is,he wasn't very well aquainted with this place,so even a small change would easily spoil his sleep.

Last night had been quite tiresome so obviously he had skipped the part where he would observe and admire his guest room.

Pushing away the cozy covers that lay on him he woke up with a groan.

As he set foot on the grey floor carpet a sharp pain seared through his forehead.

He stood still on his spot beside the bed clutching his head in both hands.

As the pain ceased he sat down on his bed again.Then lay on his back watching the dark ceilling painted black.

Again he got up and attempted to move towards the bathroom.

Entering the clean white bathroom he deeply inhaled the lemongrass scent around.

Then reached for the assorted cosmetics near the sink.

Picking out a new toothbrush from the various packets he started brushing.Meanwhile staring at his half asleep image in the mirror.

His eyes landed on the shower on the other side of the bathroom.

Immediately undressing and throwing his clothes over a hanger he hit the shower.

The chill of water hit his muscles and relaxed them.

Grabbing a towel from the stand he tied it around his waist.

He moved out of the bath,into  the room.

A quick glance at the wallclock told him it was 8:15 now.

Quickly dressing up in his yesterdays office clothes he combed his partially wet hair.

A cologne lay atop the hairdresser.

So choosing not to stink after about two hours of shower beacause of sweat,(that usually happens when he doesn't apply his favourite everyday perfume), he applied some cologne on his body to avoid that.

8:30 am.

Placing the leather strap of his watch on the wrist he remembered that he owned a phone.

Oh god he owned a phone!

Then where was it?

Frantically searching the bed and throwing the pillows around,he remembered he'd attached it to a charger in Khan's car last night.

Thinking that he would simply go down, say a Good morning to whoever he saw and head straight for the car to retrieve his phone was basically his plan.

After that he would go home.Sweet home.

It was Saturday.Weekend.

Means no office.Atleast for him and Khan, since both of them work prettymuch the entire week.

Glancing at himself one last time at his reflection and taking a look around the room to see whether everything was placed neatly by him,he moved out of the room.

Going down the stairs he noticed that the silence from the air was gone.

Untill yesterday the living room and kithen were awfully silent but today the big balcony was opened wide.

Letting in the feeble rays of morning light into the room.

The chirping of birds could be heard clearly.Along with that he could hear Mrs.Khan and Zayd's voice from the kitchen.

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