Chapter 2 : The Revolver

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Mmm. Mmmmm. So cozy. I think as I wrap the blanket around me, cocooning into myself, as rain continues to fall outside.

What's the time? I search for my phone, but it is nowhere to be found. I open my eyes unhurriedly, thinking I might have kept my cell in the desk.

But there is no desk. No Vampire Diaries' posters, or fairy lights or rows and rows of beautiful books. I'm lying in a small bed in a small, dingy room. I CAN'T SEE A FOOKING THING! I try not to panic, but it's difficult when the next second I realise that I'm in my bra and panties, which are drenched.

I think I've earned the right to scream now. As I open my mouth to give off an ear- splitting banshee level scream, I see a figure standing in the dark.

He is outside in the balcony, slowly blowing smoke rings with his cigarette, and now I scream as I think about all the things he might have done to me, he raped me, didn't he? But nothing hurts or feels uncomfortable other than my wet underwear sticking to my skin.

"And here I thought I was going to get a thank you", the figure speaks and turns, and I realise it's a boy, no, a man.

I still can't make out his face as there is no light at all, "Now, stop screaming if you don't want the hotel authorities coming in here, thinking I raped you, and taking us both to the police station where we're going to punished for sleeping together, because sex is a sin in India, isn't it? So fascinating."

"Who the fook are you and what did you do to me!?" I shout at him.

"I saved you from a possibly horrible death and being the new horror story that parents warn their children about, but if you'd rather be in the middle of the road, getting fried alive by lightning, and getting a possible case of pneumonia, hey, who am I to judge?", He says, chuckling.

"Wait... you were the one running towards me in the storm, weren't you?", I ask, already knowing the answer.

"And amnesia is off the list, thank fuck. So?", He asks.
"So?", I ask, confused.
"I'm still waiting for the thank you I absolutely deserve."

I am already halfway to the door by now, clutching to the blanket for dear life. I'm playing along so he don't go crazy on me, and if I can just.. just open the door----

My fingers are on the knob when he says, "Where do you think you're going? ", his voice is dark, husky, and devoid of any humour.

One minute he's looking at me, and the next he's next to me. He smells like cinnamon and darkness. I don't know how I know it, but if darkness has a smell, this is it. His warm breath fan on my features, and I shiver, not knowing if it was because of the weather or him. For the first time, I see him. And he is so heartbreaking beautiful. With eyes the colour of the darkest black sky and a face Michelengalo created, he towers over me with his 6 feet.

I'm so lost in looking at him that I don't see his arms coming my way. And the next second, I'm taken away from those amazing eyes and thrown over his back.

"You're not getting away", he says, "Not now that I finally have you". I scream and kick at him and even bite him, but he just chuckles and throw me on the bed.

And the blanket decides to bail on me at the exact same second. It comes apart, and I'm in a bed with just my white bra and panties. With a six foot man towering over me. His eyes darken, and he leans in.
His eyes settle on my lips and I lick mine, heart beating fast.

He is going to kiss me. He is going to kiss me. Before I begin to comprehend what's happening, his forehead goes down and he bites my neck. Hard. I scream and tries to shove him off. But he doesn't budge, he licks the spot where he bit me, and slowly sucks it. Pleasure slowly replaces the pain.

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