Chapter 1 : The Encounter

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Shit. Shit. Calm down, Fia. Calm down. You're just half an hour late, don't worry. Oh My God, Mr. Sharan is so going to kill me. No, he isn't. Take a deep breath------

"Fia, where the hell have you been, I told you to get here at 9 am, not 10 am! When will you learn to be on time!?", Mr. Sharan asks.

That's right, he asked, not shouted. Mr.Sharan doesn't shout, at all. Sometimes I wish he would scream the hell out of me, but he always talk to me in that scary calm voice.

It's creepy, and one day I even had a nightmare about it!

As I remember the dream in which he was chasing me with a knife and shouting, um, sharaning, in that creepy calm voice, I realise that Mr.Sharan was still sharaning at me, and I try to nod eveytime he finishes a sentence.

I work at Sharan Books, Mr.Sharan's bookshop. I love this store. My parents died in a car accident when I was 8. I have been living with my Father's younger brother and his family ever since. This bookstore is my safe haven, the place I go to, whenever things get bad at home. Whenever Uncle-------

My thoughts are cut short when I realise Mr. Sharan is still speaking.

"So, as I was saying, you should never repeat this. You hear me, child? Tomorrow, we have a meeting with the Vaziri Company. And If everything goes smoothly, they might buy our bookstore, thank Allah!"

"Wait, wait, you're selling the store!?", I ask, appalled.

"Oh dear, didn't I tell you...? I thought I did",  Mr. Sharan starts rambling again.

"But why do you have to sell it all of a sudden? I know the times aren't good, but I didn't know it was this bad", I say.

"Fia, dear, I need a lot of money for Nitya's marriage. You know Nitya will kill me if I don't give her a beautiful, lavish, wedding. I'm sorry, but I have to do this", Uncle finishes.

I can't believe it. This bookstore is everything to me. This bookstore has been my safe place ever since I can remember. I know all of it nooks and crevices, and the time I spent here, is my most happiest. This changes everything. If he knows I lost this job----

"Fia? Fia? I'm so sorry, but I have to do this, dear. Please understand. You know I'm in a lot of debt. And Nitya's marriage, too... I owe her a good wedding.  What kind of father will I be if I don't make it the perfect day for her?" Uncle continues.

"It's okay, Uncle, it's okay.", I say, even though it isn't. But just because my life is bad, doesn't mean he have to be unhappy. He deserves happiness.

"I just... want sometime alone, okay? I will be back soon. ", I say and leave.

This is not happening. This is not happening. I whisper to myself as I walk to my favourite bench in the park.

To my surprise, I realise I'm alone,  The Lake Park is never quiet. It is always brimming with life. But today, there are no children running around, playing tag, or parents smiling at their children. And no ducks swimming in the lake, or people feeding them.  I realise why as a raindrop kisses my cheek.

I can't believe I was so out of it that I didn't realize it was about to rain!

Shit. It's 6 pm. I am supposed to be home within thirty minutes! But it's too late. The soft drizzle slowly turns into full blown rain. And I realise to my horror, that it is dark. There's not a single streetlight in sight. The power must be out, I think. I hear a dog bark in distance. Now, I'm officially fucked.

The red top and my blue jeans and my shawl clings to my wet form as I struggle to find shelter, but I can't see a damn thing!

I search for my phone in my jeans, and it isn't there. I didn't think this day would be any worse. I must have left my phone in the bookstore, in my dishevelled state.

The rain hits my face almost painfully now, and I can hear the rhythmic thunder; I close my eyes to shield them from the bright lighting.

And it is then I see him. He stands, a tall, dark figure in the blinding white light. Thunder rumbles as I meet his dark eyes. Another round of lightning follows, and when I open my eyes again, he is running towards me.


A/N: Heyy! How are you all doing? Did you like this chapter? I'm so sorry that it was short, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter.

Also, who do you think that guy is? Should Fia be worried? What is going to happen to her?

VOTE, COMMENT AND STAY HYDRATED! (Except people who are fasting! 😂)

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