015 | The Chaotic Reconciliation

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Jennie peeked up a bit, just to see the maknae glancing at her digital clock, sighing once she realised that it's one in the morning. "You can all go to sleep now, I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Jisoo rolled her eyes, flicking Lisa's forehead. The younger groaned in pain, rubbing her forehead as she looked at Jisoo, her forehead creasing, confused. "This maknae, do you think that you're a nuisance?" Jisoo arched an eyebrow. "Well you are. But we're still here, aren't we?" she joked, causing Lisa to pout, and Rosie to giggle.

The elder formed a smile from her heart-shaped lips, and ruffled Lisa's hair. "I was just kidding. Don't worry, maknae. We won't leave you."

Lisa's smiled, tears filling up her eyes. They've been together for years, the four of them through thick and thin. She had trust issues at first, because she was scared that the people who enter here life would just end up leaving, and breaking her to pieces.

But they were consistent. They're family.

"We will stay, stay, stay with you," Rosie softly sang, causing Lisa to break down. Jisoo and Rosie hugged her tight, soothing her.

Jennie smiled to herself thinking how lucky she was to have and meet them. "Oh c'mon, y'all are seriously going to leave me out?" Jennie entered the room, quickly jumping to the bed and joined their embrace.

Lisa giggled at how cute Jennie was, and hugged them all really tight. "I love you, girls. Please don't leave me."

Just as Jennie noticed that the girls were fast asleep, her phone began to ding and she checked it immediately. It was Kai. He was asking advice for some girlfriend problems.

And so, Jennie texted back and the conversation went on and on between the two friends. At least, he somehow kept her distracted from all the thoughts swarming in her head.


Jennie woke up by the sound of a phone ringing. She slightly opened her eyes, almost squinting as she saw Lisa take a phone call. That's when she also realised that all of them fell asleep in Lisa's room.

"Taehyung oppa?" Lisa chimed, and that's when Jennie decided to pretend that she was still asleep, shutting her eyes in an instant.

"Lalice . . . I'm sorry about yesterday--"

"No, no. It's okay," Lisa told him. "But . . . may I ask what you did yesterday?"

Jennie began to feel guilty, not knowing that Taehyung had actually stood Lisa up. Jennie wanted to apologise and explain on Taehyung's behalf, but she didn't want Lisa to know what happened to her.

"I had to rush. Jennie was sent to the hospital--fudge."

Lisa halted, turning her head towards Jennie. Jennie's heart began pounding even more, feeling tensed. Of course, Taehyung would blurt that out. However, Jennie didn't expect it to be this soon.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. I'm so sorry, I slipped. She asked me to keep it a secret from you girls. Fudge. My mouth."

"I . . . I have to go."

"What? Lisa--"

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