Chapter 3

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Hey guys thanks for sticking with me, really means a lot. Love you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️.


Amora didn't have an answer. Jon said, "Then I think we're all agreed that we'll find out what they're hiding?"

They both nodded their heads, but Amora did it more reluctantly. 

The stranger walked down the garden, taking care not be seen. He took out his stelle and drew a rune on the back door. He opened  it and walked through the hallway. He knew roughly where he was about to go. Obviously, there had to be some sort of alarm, it couldn't be that easy. He opened the door. Revealing the girl with red hair. The stranger scoffed,

"Ha, they really are delusional."

He took out his gloves and pulled out the drugged sack and put it over her head. The he took out the note he had previously written and put it on her pillow and walked back into the night with the girl over his shoulder.

The next morning, Clary woke up with a really bad feeling. She got out and silently checked on her kids. Jon was here, Amy was here, Kat was here, Ralph was here and Cassie wasn't. She checked the bathroom and called for her but she wasn't there, checked the kitchen but she wasn't there, she checked everywhere she could think of but her baby was missing. She barely had enough energy to get back to her room.

"Jace! Wake up!"

Jace mumbled something under his breath and rolled over on his other side.

"Jace! I'm serious! Wake up! I can't find Cassie any where!" 

"She's probably with Jon or Ralph," Jace grumbled and went back to sleep.

Clary didn't know whether to cry or shout at Jace, so she went with both, "JACE! SHE'S YOUR FREAKING...... DAUGHTER AND SHE'S......FREAKING MISSING! I'M TELLING YOU I .....LOOKED EVERYWHERE AND YOU WANNA....SLEEP!"

Jace finally opened his eyes and got up to comfort his wife, "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, we'll look together okay?"

Clary sniffed an okay, but not before she punched his chest and said, "You better show more care Mr, there are things way more important than your sleep."

Jace being Jace, rolled his eyes but smartly said nothing.

They looked everywhere but they couldn't find a thing, Jace decided to triple check the room and that's when he found it, the thing that proved the thing he and Clary were trying to deny, Cassie was kidnapped.

So that's a chapter, thanks everyone for sticking with me. I hoped you liked it, stay safe everyone.

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