Loki on facebook!

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Bruce: hey Loki, have you heard of facebook

Loki: no, why should i care mortal?

Bruce: because, it's addicting

Loki: how, in what way?

Bruce: you get to post stuff and make online friends....i think you should get one

Loki: why?

Bruce: Because you have no friends

Loki: i have fan-girls

Bruce: which is why you should get a facebook, they can follow you and worship you, trust me it's like having your own world

(Loki thinks)

Loki: well...i could give it a shot at it

Bruce: Okay, let me get you a iPad!

(Bruce runs out excited)

Loki: what's an iPad? (Sighs) Mortals are strange

(Bruce runs back in with iPad and stuffs it under the crack in the glass cage under the door)

Loki: so.....what so i do?

Bruce: here, i'll show you.....

(Two minutes later)

Tony: Hey guys, Loki just got a facebook

Natasha: no way

Thor: i wonder if i should send him a friend request?

Clint: why?

Thor: because, he most likely has no friends

Tony: true, lets check it out for fun

(Checks Loki's facebook page)

(Wide eyes) Tony: oh my god...

Natasha: what?

Tony: he just posted this

The moment when the Avengers don't realize i'm standing next to them, is the most hilarious

Clint: how-what-uh?


Loki: you guys are so clueless

Thor: ......we just got loki'd

Loki: Damn right you just did!


I need idea's bad, i'm awful at comedy, please tell me any good spoof idea's, i need them, these are awful i know, i need some help. If you give me an idea, i'll give you credit and deadicate the chapter it is on to you so you know too

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