The Gauntlet | Round 4 • Write to Rank 2

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Blood splattered against the back-lit panel the moment I turned down the narrow corridor. Despite the weeks I'd spent in here, I jumped, nearly dropping my gun when something landed at my feet with a thud. A scream caught in my throat.

"Welcome to the Gauntlet." The sardonic voice came from behind. A helmeted figure brushed past me and stepped over the fallen body on the floor.

My hands shook. "Who are you?"

"You can call me Reiner." He hefted his gun and glanced back at me, his face hidden. "There are only a certain number of people who will make it out of the Gauntlet. You're one of them. I'm your sponsor."

"Why me?"

"Don't question it. What's your name?"

"Edie, sir." I couldn't keep my voice from trembling.

"Edie?" He reached up and pressed the button on the side of his helmet, raising his visor. He was younger than I anticipated, though he still likely had a decade on my eighteen years. My eyes lowered to avoid his scrutinization, drifting to the dead man on the floor. I quickly averted them, my stomach roiling at the sight of blood seeping from his head.

Reiner seemed to detect my queasiness. "This is no place for a delicate stomach, Edie."

"I've survived this long." But at what cost? Ever since I'd been thrown in the Gauntlet, I felt like I was losing a piece of my soul. Every injury, every trial I'd faced—every life I'd taken in defense of my own—had ripped away piece after piece until just a shell of my former self was left.

Reiner searched my face. "Come." He lowered his visor and jogged down the short corridor. I followed, stepping around the body and holding my gun tightly. Clanging, banging, and shouts filled my ears, along with gunshots and energy blasts.

"Everything here wants you to fail, Edie. Be glad you have this opportunity."

Yes, everyone here was waiting for Edie, small, quiet, scared Edie, to give up and give in. But I wouldn't be that girl. I might be scared out of my wits, but I wasn't going to fold that easily.

We turned a corner and broke free of the corridor. A maze of dark passageways, alcoves, and bridges spanned the area above and below us. Neon lights lined the edges, providing some visibility. Like glow on the dark laser tag.

I'd only been good at laser tag because I'd known no one's life was at stake.

But I'd surprised myself with my own resiliency.

Reiner pointed to a stairway leading up. "Up we go."

"How long have you been doing this?" I asked, following.

There was a pause before he answered. "Too long."

We climbed multiple flights until we arrived at a long hallway. We wound our way through the corridors until we came to a door. Reiner motioned me through.

"No!" The scream came from behind. Something collided with my back. I hit the floor while hands clawed at my clothes. "Take me instead!"

Reiner ripped the man off and swung at him, then dragged him the over to the nearby rail. The image of my attacker plummeting to his death below flashed through my mind.

"Wait!" I cried. Reiner froze. "Don't!"

Reiner pulled a gun from his belt and shot the man, let him drop to the floor. "You're too kind, Edie."

"Is he dead?"

"Just stunned."

Even if he were dead, I'd take no satisfaction from it. The man seemed familiar; I recalled him shuffling around my barely conscious body as he stole my food, my water, my weapon. And yet I would not have revenge.

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