Stop showing up everywhere pt 2

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I roll around in the covers of my bed. Nooooo ughhh. How am I supposed to face him?! What if I accidentally slip up and tell him that I have a huge Celebrity crush on him?! Oh nooooo.... what am I gonna dooo???!! I pound my fists on my mattress. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. My teeth clench. My thoughts wander. 

The sweet smell of peaches. The sweat that drips down his body as he sings. The tan skin matching almost perfectly with his freckles. The way his smirk makes ladies swoon. His hard collar bones. His jaw line so perfectly shaped. His dorky clothing style. What would it be like to get under those clothes...? To feel his skin against my own. I want to be near him. I want him. He's so amazing. I want him so badly. I shift around in my bed. I want his heat. I want his body. I want everything about him. My hands clench the ends of my bed sheets. I swing them off me. 

Nope! No thank you. I may want him but I don't need him. Even though he is... extremely attractive. No! No. Stop it. If he's coming to the coffee shop today I have to look presentable. What?! No I don't. I don't give two fucks about  what he'll think.... I am gonna shower though.

I rush into the bathroom as if someone is watching me. The hot water starts running. I sigh and undress myself. My eyes lock on the mirror in front of me. God I'm so ugly. I step on the scale. 70 pounds?! Did I really eat that little...? I look in the mirror. Maybe I'm not that bad. I step into the hot shower. The water runs across my skin. This is relaxing. I sit down in the tub.

Boy am I glad trolls don't commonly have erections. I finish up in the shower. I sneak out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped around me. I grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Also boxers. I scramble back into the bathroom like a cat in water. I close the door and get dressed.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS...?" I pull up the Shorts. And they end, an inch below my ass. I can't wear these!!! Can I?! Noooo. Karkat no. Maybe there are other pairs of shorts...


Why're these the longest onesssss??? Ugh fine. I slide on the shirt. It engulfs me. Fuck. Uhhh. I try another shirt. Okay that's better. It's still pretty big. I grab a hair tie and wrap a bit of the shirt up to make it shorter. I grab another hair tie and place my bangs in a little fluffy poof. Like a man bun. Far-ish back on the head. But not a bun. Just a curly poof. I look.... okay. Not too bad. I slip on some socks. When I get out of my room I make myself breakfast and head out. I put on my red converse. I grab my wallet. Put it in my pockets. Then I ran to the gas station. My first stop. ATM to get money. Then supermarket. Thennnn work. 

I run down the streets. The spring breeze brushing against my ears. This is awesome. I turn to the Gas station and walk in. 

After getting my money I got a slushee and began my day with more ener-... wtf. I exit the gas station and who do I see? Dave Strider. The one and only. Getting gas. Great. I lock my eyes on him. The thoughts from this morning peeking in my mind. No! No. His head turns to see me. He freezes. Oh god what do I do? We stand in an uncomfortable stare. Only broken by Dave when the gas tanks starts leaking. He leans down behind his car to wipe off the leak. 

"PFFFT WOWWWWW." I laugh. His head pops up from behind his car. He raises his eye brows multiple times. I snort and walk to the supermarket. It's hard to believe that I became friendly acquaintances with thee Dave Strider. In a day. 

I just wanted an autograph {Davekat/BandAU}Where stories live. Discover now